Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo



Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Time just for you to attune to the guidance of your heart and soul & tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom. Christine Arylo shares spiritual wisdom and self love guidance modified for modern life. Invoking, Provoking & Elevating. Use this time to keep your life aligned.


  • 245: What To Do When You Get Gooped?

    28/06/2024 Duration: 01h10min

    Are you clearing your emotional and energetic fields? What do you do when you get "gooped" by the world, a person, the news, the physical and virtual environments you find yourself in, or even by your own emotional triggers? In this episode, Christine, Jennifer, and special guest Noah Martin explore what it means to be “gooped”, how to know when you are gooped up, how does it happen, and what do you do in the moment or as prevention to keep the external forces from knocking you off kilter? Clearing your emotional and energetic fields is a must in our world today; just like you brush your teeth and get in your daily steps. On today’s podcast, we’ll explore how to care for your emotional and energetic bodies by looking at: Wisdom About Energy - what we need to know about our energetic connections and energy fields, and how they interact with other people and situations. 5 Kinds of Boundaries - Emotional, Mental, Energetic, Physical and Environment. How to work with yours, know when your boundaries have been

  • 244 Mid-Year Power Pause: Take the Space for What Matters Most to You These Next 3 Months

    21/06/2024 Duration: 38min

    Every year the wise one pause at the mid point of the year to reflect back and receive (acknowledge and honor) all of the progress made (so we can feel it, believe it, and savor it)... and to reset, restore and reset our pace for the next 3 months.     In this episode, Christine Arylo will walk you through a series of inquiries that will help you slow down, and tune in and Recognize the progress and growth you've made in this last cycle Honor what it's taken to become the person you are today  Find the keys to how to create space this season so you start the next radiant and ready Focus on what you want to give your energy to this season in ways that build on the momentum of the devotion, committment and energy you've already given.   Between now and the next episode, we invite you to contemplate of these inquiries, as it relates to how you choose to spend your time, give your energy, focus your attention these next 3 months including: What Would I Love to Experiment With? What Do I Love Space for... thi

  • 243: What Drains & Dims Your Radiance?

    14/06/2024 Duration: 01h08min

    The brightness and strength of your radiance affects every aspect of your wellbeing – from your physical health, to your access to your intuition and power, to your ability to share your gifts and genius with the world. In this episode, Christine and Jennifer share inquiries and practices to illuminate what's draining or dimming your radiance, so that you can see it, name it, and be at choice with how to work with the forces that diminish radiance. All in order to stay light and bright, even during this challenging time in the world. Beginning where you have the power within you to make shifts, regardless of what’s going on externally, they explore the 6 Ways We Drain, Dim, or Distort Our Radiance: Forcing Forgetting Feeling Like... Frustation at Feeling Stuck Fragmenting Your Focus Frequency   Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What Drains My Radiance? Awareness is the first step to making a shift, and by the end of this episode you will hav

  • 242: What Sustains Your Radiance?

    07/06/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    What is Radiance? And how can cultivating our own inner radiance support us in Staying Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time? In this episode (the first in the nine part Season of Light Series), Christine Arylo and co-host of this series Jennifer Alexander, discuss the importance of restoring your radiance as a way of Staying Light through transformational times. They explore both the mystical and material realms of radiance, and share simple yet mighty practices that can support you to restore your radiance levels to be bright and vibrant, and then keep that brightness and lightness strong, growing and glowing for the rest of this year. You will learn: What is Radiance and why it matters. How Radiance dictates your health, relationships, ability to attract and receive opportunities, intuition, and overall mental and emotional wellbeing. The difference between life force and Radiance, and where Radiance lives in your body. Creative processes to reveal practical wisdom that you can apply

  • 241: What is the Feminine? How Can "It" Support & Guide Us Now

    31/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us in the present time - both individually and collectively? In this episode, Christine and Jennifer conversate on the inquiry: What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us now? They explore this inquiry through the lenses of Cyclical Living, Changing Relationships with our Creations, and the Feminine archetypal energies of Compassion and Creativity. They also introduce the upcoming 9-part Season of Light series, beginning next week. The intention for the Season of Light is to create a container for all of us to come and recharge our radiance so that we can Stay Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time. Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to reflect on where you are in your current life cycle, and in the cycles of anything you’ve created. Recognize what’s calling you to seed, what’s ready to sprout, what’s coming into full blossom. This is a way to connect to the cycles within and around you in orde

  • 240 What's Evolving Within You & Around You? 8th Anniversary Episode, Creating Space for What's Next

    26/05/2024 Duration: 01h11min

    So excited to be landing here with you on the 8th anniversary of The Feminine Power Time podcast for a special segue conversation and exploration we navigate and co-create the next - for ourselves, those we guide & influence and the world.  I have been asking myself, "What is next for this podcast? What is next for me? What is next for us?". Which led me to creating the centerpoint of our conversation today: "What is Evolving Within You?  Around You?" ...  How Do We Create Space for What's Next While Tending to the Now... How Do We Preserve What We've Already Created in Ways that Create Momentum?"  Another way of saying that to yoruself is ... "How do I allow the process to unfold through and around me ... stay attuned to my design ...  accept (savor) where I am, while expanding into what is possible, even while I cannot see cleary yet?"  Per usual here at Feminine Power Time, I will share less answers, and more inquiries and perspectives to support us to move through the shifts happening, supporting us t

  • 239: Dancing Through The Collective Patterns Playing Out (# 3 of 3)

    03/05/2024 Duration: 55min

    As the world turns and shifts, things seem to go sideways, uncertainty rises, intensity & anxiety wratches up, how do you stay centered, calm and clear? How do you work WITH the energy vs be WORKED OVER by the energy?  These are fundamental inquiries and practices we have been exploring and implementing here at Feminine Power Time since we started this podcast in 2016 ... because we are in transformational times, and during such times, we need access to insight, tools and wisdom to dance through. Consider this: What if this cycle of time is about breaking free of systemic and self created patterns that no longer serve? So we can rise into realities rooted in harmony, sustainability, wholeness and connection? And while there may be forces that would do anything to keep things the same, the force of our collective heart power has the ability to lead the way forward into a better world for people & planet?  This is not wishful thikning or spiritual bypassing. It's co-creating the next while we stabilize

  • 238: 3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns Ready to Release (#2 of 3 in Series)

    12/04/2024 Duration: 40min

    How do we breakthrough patterns and imprints that we are ready to release? What are the practices? What works? How does this invisible transformation actually work to make shifts in the material world? Consider this: Change takes place over time, but if we can't see the progress, we don't receive the energy we need to stay devoted and focused.   Good news - choosing to engage in what I call "Sacred Transformation" - yours and the worlds, isn't about waiting until all things are perfect and the way you'd like them to be ... that's a path for suffering for sure!  Sacred transformation - when you put the word sacred in front of transformation here's what you get: "change devoted to / for the sake of creating wholeness, without violence to self or others, done with respect." This is a way of working with and breaking through long-held pattern in way we can expereince, receive and I dare say enjoy (even in the struggle) all along the way.  As we see the shifts happening in little ways... we start to feel them i

  • 237: How to Reveal Invisible Patterns Within You Ripe for Breakthrough - #1 of 3

    06/04/2024 Duration: 48min

    Shadow patterns. Self limiting imprints. Sabotaging cycles and habits. That we just can't shake or seem to breakthrough.... or maybe we just haven't had the holsitic approach and wisdom and tools to get to the roots of where the "shadow frequency" keeps us stuck in cycles that no longer serve us. Or maybe we've been working these patterns for decades, and we are now ready to truly break free + breakthrough. In this series: The Practice of Breakthroughing Patterns We No Longer Need, the last in our 8th season, we will take a 3-part journey to give you insight, wisdom and tools to:  See and NAME the patterns that no longer serve you, and that are ready to release to you can elevate into the next expression of your career, relationships, wellbeing, expression, relationships, wealth -- because it's time!  Break Apart the Old + Breakthrough to the New - breakthrough takes time and structure and focus, for which there are simple models and practices you can use.   Share the Common Collective Patterns Up For Breakt

  • 236: Power Pause: Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead - 4 Inquiries

    24/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time, 4 Inquiries to Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead. One of the four Power Pauses she shares each year, this one focused on what wise leaders and people do: 1. Illuminate the imbalances in the different realms of your life - so they don't become drama, disease, disaster and distress  2. Shift habits and patterns in your daily life that might have been aligned before, but need to shift as you head into this next cycle  3. Focus on and committ to the intentions, projects, relationships that are ready and ripe to grow and prosper  4. Set a new rhythm for your day and week that supports and sustains where you are now, and what you are creating and managing these next three months, into June Solstice.  When you pause at near the equinoxes and solstices, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift. And you gain clarity on how to focus yo

  • 235: Releasing OVER-Responsibility. Embracing Enough. (#3 of 3 in Burnout to Balance Series)

    15/03/2024 Duration: 47min

    At the root of all the over-giving and over-self-reliance and much of the burnout and imbalance we experience is a big old old root ball called "OVER RESPONSIBILITY."  We've been imprinted and conditioned by our society and family systems to take OVER Responsibility for the needs of people, projects, and the planet - and we have willingly put way too much on our shoulders and backs, often as an unconscious way to deal with our fear, feelings of being undervalued, and not enough (no matter how outwardly successful things may look). Consider this: What might have been in alignment to take responsibility for or embrace ownership of as your part, may not be in balance now or going forward.  Wisdom: The systems (both those you create, and those you work and live within) will take everything you give them, and there will still be more to give. So... until we take a stand of self-advocacy + stop filling the gaps and taking more and more of the burden and responsibility, there is no incentive for anything to change .

  • 234: Where Are You OVER-Giving & UNDER-Receiving? (#2 of 3 in Burnout to Balance Series)

    01/03/2024 Duration: 53min

    Many of us operate like banks that give more withdrawls than deposits, resulting in imbalances in our relationships, wellbeing, money, jobs, businesses and projects that lead to undue suffering, struggle, and sacrifice.  We OVERgive - time, energy, resources, care, and mindshare -- to projects, people, our passion and our purpose. We UNDERReceive the time, energy, resources, care and mindshare we need and desire. As a result, eventually we burnout, become resentful, get sick and discouraged, or quit. We don't SEE the imbalance or the ways we OVEReffort, work, extend, etc. until we get to the drama, distress or dis-ease.   One of the breakthroughs I discovered in all my research around burnout and sustainable success and wellbeing is that we don't have to wait until the extreme imbalance hits our bodies, beings, bank accounts, relationships or brains. We can use the power of Cyclical Living to pause (usually around March Equinox) and take a look around our life, work, relational, & wellbeing design, illumi

  • 233: Goodbye OVER Self-Reliance - #1 of 3 in From Burnout to Balance Series

    17/02/2024 Duration: 58min

    Self esteem, self confidence, ability to take care of oneself, sovereignty, self sufficient ... these are all good things to possess and embody. Monikers of internal strength. However, when one thing become over-used or valued, or the other side of the spectrum isn't present, things get out of whack, our lives and bodies become imbalanced, and we get stuck in situations and chronic challenges that keep us in survival or stress mode. Consider this: "We have become so self-sufficient as self-empowered humans that we have become overly self-reliant." Most people I encounter suffer from this invisible dis-ease of Over Self Reliance, we feel it but don't have the words to see it, and therefore transform it. We become so used to doing whatever needs doing, we don't pause to consider what help we need to do it. We don't consider if we don't have the resources we need, maybe we shouldn't take it on. We've grown so accoustomed to fight for what we need or just barely scrape by that we've gotten used to making do and d

  • 232: Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead (Part 2): Find & Keep Your Shine in the Stretch

    04/02/2024 Duration: 54min

    Last Feminine Power Time we talked about the "meta" and "collective" - what the themes, energy and patterns are in the larger field as we go into 2024. This gives us wisdom for how to move through this year. Today, we turn to the "personal" - what are the themes, awarenesses, perspectives and ways of looking at our lives and our choices within them. So we can walk through 2024 centered, sustained, focused on what matters, using this catalytic time for our good and the good of all. Without burning out, running back to normal or missing the possibility.  Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead, 2024, Part Two. Find & Keep Your Shine in the Stretch. I'll share with you a series of themed wisdom and inquiries + practices that I'm applying myself and using with all the leaders and communities I work with.  I will also take you through some embodied integration of the wisdom, so it really lands in your body, being and brain. Here are some of the Wisdom Pearls you can put in your pocket to gui

  • 231: Feminine Wisdom for Year Ahead (Part 1): Finding Your Strength in the Stretch

    25/01/2024 Duration: 40min

    Every year in January I wait to do a special Feminine Power Time that looks into the year ahead - to give us wisdom, insight, focus and practices for the now, and what's coming next. 2024 is an 8 year - connected to the energy of Internal Strength + Shining our Light while making sure we are deeply rooted into what keeps us centered, stable, vibrant and aligned. It's also a wood Dragon year - which signals transformative growth and elevation, supported by the feminine (water) and strong natural structure (earth). These archetypes + what the natural cycles are indicating + the commonalities I am sensing form the themes, focuses and inquiries I'll share with you. Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - in two parts. Part 1 focusing on giving you insight into the bigger meta themes + powerful inquiries you want to be asking yourself so you co-create a reality that keeps you centered, aligned, radiant and stable as you let go + grow. Episode #231: Finding Your Strength in The Stretch. Wisdom

  • 230 Year Start Power Pause: Tune into What Matters Most & Where the Momentum Is

    15/01/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Or maybe you are feeling like you'd rather just pull the cover over your head. DON'T: Let the chaos and pressure of the world, or the should's of your self-induced pressure swirl you up or stop you from breaking through to more elevated, expanded, supportive realities.  DO: Turn inward, tune into your heart and tap into your deeper wisdom and desires. Dare to let those inspire and guide you. DO: Choose to tune into Wisdom with a capital W before you choose your focuses for this year... you know that higher guidance trying to get your attention, saying "Focus here! Here is where the flow and momentum are!"    Wisdom teaches us to use the power and practice of "inquiry" to consider the path before moving into action... which results in more easeful effort, sustainable success + fluid efficiency (plus delight, which we need during challenging times, to keep us going!) One way you

  • 200r: Purposeful Patience: Practice the Ease Over the Rush this Year

    03/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    Purposeful Patience. What is it? How can we work with it? And why is it something you might benefit from putting into practice in how you approach how you go about achieving your goals + bringing your ideas, desires and projects into fruiition + creating a consistent sense of wellbeing, even during intensity and uncertainty? Just that :) For the past two years I have been practicing Purposeful Patience. It was the theme and mantra in 2022. Each year I/we choose/receive a yearly theme/centerpoint in the Emerge Visioining Process - like "The Year of Purposeful Patience" or  "The Year of Embodying Radiant Grace." (2021) or "Creating & Receiving from Momentum" (2023)  I decided to replay this episode of Feminine Power Time: 200: Purposeful Patience: Practicing the Ease Over the Rush, because I needed it again this year ... and I thought you might benefit as well. I love the practice of choosing a centerpoint and over-arching theme and then working with it intentionally all year. It becomes a guidepost and a p

  • 229 The Year-End Honoring Ritual

    29/12/2023 Duration: 54min

    In a year where we spend 8,720 hours doing, giving, working, caring, creating, mentoring (and sleeping) … and so much more … to  not create space to reflect on all we have done and who we have become, as well as recognize (and honor) our impact, growth & progress, would be just plain crazy :) Plus honoring feels great! The energy and act of "Honoring" is one of the most powerful things we have access to, but that we often under use. Honoring is a form a love. It melts away the heavy feels, the judgements of not enough, the pressure to do more. It turns struggle into comfort and possibility.  I invoke the super power of honor every year at this time because I continue to see the power it has to open our hearts, lighten us up, fill us up and give us a way to start the next cycle radiant & clear, roooted in our enoughness. We think of honor as something someone else has to give to us - when in reality we have the power to bestow honor upon ourselves, in a healthy way, with humility and dignity.  There is

  • 228: The Year-End Release: Clear Out Now So You're Set Up for Next year

    08/12/2023 Duration: 47min

    Imagine living the full month of December intentionally - connected to what matters, working with the energy of the season in ways that support your wellbeing in all ways - emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, spiritually and relationally. So come the start of the next roman calendar year, you felt fresh, radiant, clear and centered ... ready to receive what is to come. Consider this Wisdom: In the absence a different option, we often revert to what we've done before or what the pull of the mainstream culture dictates. Only when you have a different choice, with practical application and things to 'do,' do you break free of unsupportive patterns and habits, and gain the power to create the reality you desire to be living.  I know... that is a big piece of wisdom to take it. Because it's so foundational. Which is why this month, I'm dedicating the entire set of podcasts to things you can 'do' in December at year end that support you to complete the year strong, clear, proud and connected to what mat

  • 227 The Year-End Downshift: Reflow. Refocus. Release. Receive. (A Practice for Creating Space for What Matters))

    01/12/2023 Duration: 55min

    When I think about the power of the last 4 weeks of the year we are completing, and the first 4 weeks of the year to come, I wonder what it would be like if our culture reflected and supported people to: turn inward to their creativity ... turn toward each other in meaningful connectivity... and to tune into their body/mind/heart/spirit for what they needed to restore and regnerate at deep levels.  I imagine a world in which we were taught that these last 4 weeks of a year cycle have so much wisdom and freedom to give us ... if we create the space to reflect and honor all we have done and become ... And as we turn toward the next cycle consciously consider what we choose to release and leave behind ... so as we step into the next cycle, we can more fully co-create the next while living the now. Last year, I realized that I had been doing year-end podcasts and blogs since 2007 - focused on avoiding holiday overwhelm, starting and ending the year differently, living with the cycles, completing the year clear ..

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