Grace Community Church New Canaan, Ct



We strive to build a church of action founded on biblical truth characterized by faith, grace, community, service, authenticity, clear thinking and cultural relevance. Grace Community Church is about knowing God, knowing His truth, and building community that extends to our full lives, not just Sunday morning.


  • The Cross


    Why the cross makes all the difference.

  • Jesus Among Other Gods


    Why do we believe in Jesus over other gods? Have we chosen the right God? Is there even a god to begin with? In this segment we look briefly at other religions and see what separates Jesus from the rest.

  • Identity


    Who are you at your core? Are you primarily a person who works a 9 to 5 job or are you more of a family man or woman? How do you look at yourself? Do you compare yourself to your favorite friends or celebrities? The only way to gain a stable inner coherence and self-acceptance is by firstly loving God.

  • Genuine Christianity vs. Counterfeit Christianity


    How do we know if we are on the right path? In order to grow in genuine Christian faith we must struggle through our doubts and not settle for pat answers. Pat answers often lead to a counterfeit faith that strays from biblical truth.

  • Finding Hope in Suffering


    In the midst of difficult times, how can we find hope?

  • Self Control


    How do we learn to have self control

  • Grace


    What does grace look like in our lives

  • Morality and Ethics: Part 2


    Pastors Cliffe and Stuart continue their discussion on the basis of morality and ethics.

  • Morality and Ethics: Part 1


    Pastors Cliffe and Stuart discuss the basis of morality and ethics.

  • Dealing with Temptation


    How often we fall into temptations snare, then find ourselves in an even lower place when our failure is compounded by guilt. How can we resist big temptations or those that are seemingly more benign? If our trust is in Christ, and we believe Him to be faithful, then we know 1 Corinthians 10:13 to be true. No matter what you face, you are never alone in it. Not ever.

  • Why Do We Work?


    How does faith in Christ impact what you are spending 2,000+ hours a year on? Work is part of living out the dignity of human life. We were created to work but not to deify it. Lets dig in together...

  • What or Who?


    What or who do we look to when searching for meaning, purpose or answers in our daily lives?

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