Lectures On Bhagavad-gita

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 73:09:25
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A series of lectures given by Dulal Chandra dasa on devotional service as presented in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam with emphasis on the practice of bhakti yoga. These lectures present knowledge of Krishna Consciousness as taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his illustrious followers, the six goswamis. Dulal Chandra dasa is a direct disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Although I lack any personal qualification to lecture on the lofty subject of self realization, this presentation is my humble attempt to repeat what I have heard from my spiritual master and pass it on without adulteration. In this way I hope to serve the desire of my guru and provide you with some gems of transcendental wisdom that will hopefully spark an interest in ending your entanglement in material existence and becoming firmly reestablished in your eternal spiritual position.I present myself before you with a straw between my teeth, begging that you will listen to what is presented here with an open mind and heart. The transcendental wisdom which will be presented here is of the upmost importance for everyone wishing to advance to the topmost platform of spiritual awareness. This knowledge is descending through an unbroken chain of self realized spiritual masters directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 15, Verses 1-7

    01/04/2010 Duration: 49min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on April 1th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Understanding the nature of the external material potency by the comparison to a imperishable banyan tree given by Lord Krishna in the 15th Chapter of Bhagavad-gita. Krishna recommends that one must cut down this tree of material attachment with the sword of knowledge.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 14, Verses 21-27

    25/03/2010 Duration: 01h27s

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on March 25th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Krishna Consciousness is easily within our grasp, bhakti yoga, if we simply take shelter of the proper conception of spiritual life under the direction of a bonafide spiritual master. Devotional practice allows one to rise above the influence of the modes of material nature.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 14, Verses 11-20

    18/03/2010 Duration: 54min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on March 18th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Understanding the influence of the modes of material nature allows one to advance in spiritual knowledge and elevates one to their true spiritual consciousness. One needs to stick the iron of their existence in the fire of devotional practice.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 14, Verses 1-10

    11/03/2010 Duration: 47min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on March 11th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Understand the creation of the material world and our engagements conducted under the control of the three modes of material nature. Such knowledge and transcendental understanding is sufficient to elevate one to spiritual existence like that of the supreme Lord.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 13, Verses 27-35

    04/03/2010 Duration: 01h02min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on March 4th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Lord Krishna provides knowledge as to how one can develop transcendental vision and become free from the illusion of bodily existence. How powerful the individual soul can become is discussed in relationship to the life of Hiranyakashipu.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 13, Verses 19-26

    25/02/2010 Duration: 50min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on February 25th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Lord Krishna gives further instruction to Arjuna on the distinction between the supersoul and the individual soul. This understanding is available to all transcendentalists, the spiritual philosopher, the practicing yogi, the selfless furtive worker and to those who follow the simple process of hearing from spiritual authority. Such hearing from authority is the basis of the practice of devotional service and is free of the difficulties and potential shortcomings of the other spiritual disciplines.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 13, Verses 14-19

    18/02/2010 Duration: 43min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on February 18th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Discussion of the preaching missions of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Swami and A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami according to their times and circumstances.Understand supersoul's all pervasive nature and the value of such knowledge to our spiritual understanding and advancement.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 13, Verses 8-13

    11/02/2010 Duration: 46min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on February 11th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Lord Krishna explains what is knowledge in twenty items and declares that all else is ignorance. These items of knowledge are independent of the material field of activity and are qualities and characteristics of our eternal spiritual nature. When we understand our true spiritual nature we are freed from the illusions of material existence and acquire pure knowledge and complete fulfillment of spiritual desire.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 13, Verses 1-7

    04/02/2010 Duration: 48min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on February 4th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Arjuna inquires into the nature of material nature in the 13th chapter of Bhagavad-gita. His questions specifically deal with the material environment, the body, the knower of the body, and the Supreme who accompanies the individual souls in all bodies. This detailed information is the foundation of spiritual knowledge and is the actual purpose of human life.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 12, Verses 13-20

    28/01/2010 Duration: 01h03min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on January 28th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.The transcendental character attributes of Krishna's devotee is described at the end of this 12th Chapter of Bhagavad-gita. These characteristics develop naturally at one advances in the practice of pure devotional service and result in on becoming very, very dear to the Supreme Lord. Appreciation is given today to Lord Nityananda on His most auspicious appearance.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 12, Verses 6-12

    21/01/2010 Duration: 38min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on January 21st, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Krishna not only quickly delivers those who engage in the process of pure unalloyed devotional service, but He also provides guidance to all according to their circumstance. From constant remembrance of the highest spiritual standard, to the practice of sadhana and raghunuga bhakti, to sacrifices made in support of Krishna Consciousness, to selfless works, Lord Krishna recommends all take to the path of spiritual advancement.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 11, Verses 50-55

    07/01/2010 Duration: 42min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on January 7th, 2010 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.One cannot see the spiritual form of the Lord via the material senses, the Supreme Lord only reveals His transcendental form according to the loving relationship of His devotee. The original form of the Lord, Sri Krishna, is only fully appreciated by his topmost devotees and His original abode Goloka Vrindaban.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 11, Verses 35-49

    31/12/2009 Duration: 37min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on December 31st, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. After seeing Krishna universal form and becoming overwhelmed with wonder, then fear, Arjuna become apprehensive of his friendly dealings and begs pardon for his intimacy. Arjuna can offer prayers despite his bewilderment upon seeing the Lords universal form. Understanding Krishna's different maya's, yogamaya and mahamaya. Great care must be taken to proceed carefully in our spiritual progress and not take to cheap imitation of higher relationship without qualification.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 11, Verses 25-32

    17/12/2009 Duration: 44min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on December 17th, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Lord Krishna's all devouring feature was displayed to Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra. As time the Supreme Lord ultimately brings to an end all manifestations of His external material potencies. There are four annihilation's, partial, complete, continual and ultimate. Markendeya Rsi also experienced Krishna's universal form as related in the 12th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 11, Verses 14-24

    10/12/2009 Duration: 41min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on December 10th, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Great care must be taken in the practice of devotional service to not carelessly imagine involvement with the Lord in the highest levels of spiritual exchange(rasa). One should rather carefully follow the instructions of the bonafide spiritual masters and prior acarya's, progressing naturally through the various stages of spiritual advancement. Those who imitate spiritual perfection without purification and qualification do themselves and others a great disservice.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 11, Verses 1-13

    03/12/2009 Duration: 31min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on December 3rd, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Lord Krishna provides Arjuna with divine vision so he can perceive His universal form. One cannot see or experience the Supreme Lord with his material senses, therefore the process of devotional service cleanses the heart of material contamination and thus the devotee can begin to realize his and the Lords spiritual nature.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 10, Verses 19-29

    19/11/2009 Duration: 57min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on November 19th, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. In the 10th Chapter of Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna gives Arjuna a glimpse into His unlimited opulence's by making comparisons to great personalities and wonders in the material world. Krishna's opulence's are so numerous that they exceed all the atoms in a universe, as revealed to Uddhava in the 11th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 10, Verses 10-18

    12/11/2009 Duration: 47min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on November 12th, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. The unique characteristic of authoritative spiritual teachings based upon pure knowledge coming in disciplic succession through a spiritual master, based upon perfect Vedic scripture, and supported by saints and sages of faultless character

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 10, Verses 1-9

    05/11/2009 Duration: 54min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on November 5th, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. The qualification for receiving the most confidential knowledge of Bhagavad-gita is becoming dear to Krishna. Understanding the core verses of Bhagavad-gita in the context of sambanda, abhideya and prayojana.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 9, Verses 29-34

    29/10/2009 Duration: 56min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa October 29th, 2009 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Krishna provides all protection to His sincere devotee, despite any temporary discrepancy due to prior material habit and conditioning. All serious devotees must similarly extend all respect to every devotees irrespective of their current qualification or spiritual position.

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