Lectures On Bhagavad-gita

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 73:09:25
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A series of lectures given by Dulal Chandra dasa on devotional service as presented in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam with emphasis on the practice of bhakti yoga. These lectures present knowledge of Krishna Consciousness as taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his illustrious followers, the six goswamis. Dulal Chandra dasa is a direct disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Although I lack any personal qualification to lecture on the lofty subject of self realization, this presentation is my humble attempt to repeat what I have heard from my spiritual master and pass it on without adulteration. In this way I hope to serve the desire of my guru and provide you with some gems of transcendental wisdom that will hopefully spark an interest in ending your entanglement in material existence and becoming firmly reestablished in your eternal spiritual position.I present myself before you with a straw between my teeth, begging that you will listen to what is presented here with an open mind and heart. The transcendental wisdom which will be presented here is of the upmost importance for everyone wishing to advance to the topmost platform of spiritual awareness. This knowledge is descending through an unbroken chain of self realized spiritual masters directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 7, Verses 17-23

    15/12/2011 Duration: 37min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa Decembefr 15th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Chapter 7, Verses 17-23

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 7, Verses 13-16

    08/12/2011 Duration: 51min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa December 8th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Chapter 7, Verses 13-16

  • Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 7, Verses 7-12

    01/12/2011 Duration: 44min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on December 1st, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

  • Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 7, Verse 6

    17/11/2011 Duration: 50min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on November 17th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

  • Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 7, Verse 4-5

    10/11/2011 Duration: 36min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on November 10th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

  • Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 7, Verse 3

    03/11/2011 Duration: 50min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on November 3rd, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

  • Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 6, Verses 9-17

    20/10/2011 Duration: 53min

    Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 6, Verses 9-17Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on October 20th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Overview of the 6th chapter, bhakti yoga is the highest.

  • Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 6, Verses 6-8

    13/10/2011 Duration: 45min

    Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 6, Verses 6-8Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on October 13th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Coming to a true understanding of spirituality verses religious piety is necessary for those wishing to advance in pure devotional service. Practical application of spiritual principles requires good guidance.

  • Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 6, Verses 1-7

    06/10/2011 Duration: 58min

    Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 6, Verses 1-7Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on October 6th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Understanding the causeless nature of pure devotional service. How one should take shelter of the Lord through unmotivated prayer. True principals of religion - cleanliness, austerity, truthfulness and mercy - are universal to all spiritual pursuit.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 5, Verses 16-20

    23/09/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on September 23rd, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Understanding how one becomes implicated or freed from karma, dependent upon the nature and purpose of their work.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 5, Verse 8-15

    15/09/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on September 15th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I, Me, Mine - under the influence of false ego, the living entity engages in life with desires of lording over the material nature. One working in karma yoga strives to please Lord Krishna though all his activities, this is the perfection of life.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 5, Verse 1-7

    08/09/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on September 8th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Krishna instructs that works of devotion are superior to renunciation. True renunciation involves complete dedication to development of our loving relationship with the Supreme Lord.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Review

    01/09/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on September 1st, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. A review of the 4th Chapter of Bhagavad-gita. The spiritual master enlightens us to our precarious position in material existence. Even Indra, the king of heaven, became bewildered and found comfort of the life of a hog.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Verses 39-42

    25/08/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on August 25th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. The spiritual master is expert in presenting the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness according to time, place and circumstance. He adjusts and personalizes the details of our practice according to our specific circumstances.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Verses 35-39

    11/08/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on August 11th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. The transcendental knowledge and blessings of the bonafide spiritual master open the door to spiritual success in self realization.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Verses 34

    21/07/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on July 21st, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Understanding the significance of approaching a bonafide spiritual master, determination of the guru's special qualifications for delivering pure unadulterated spiritual knowledge. Only the topmost devotee is completely free of envy and devoid of the propensity to criticize all others.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Verses 24-34

    07/07/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on July 7th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. All sacrifice is meant to bring one to the pure devotion for the Supreme Lord. Therefore the Vedas approve various forms of yoga to help bring the unbridled senses under control and allow one to look inward to their spiritual existence. Such devotional practice of yoga must done under the expert guidance of the spiritual master.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Verse 17-23

    30/06/2011 Duration: 46min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on June 30th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. One whose works are not based upon lust (kama) and have a spiritual intention (sankalpa) is not bound by the laws of karma and can gain release from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). Such egoless work must be done under the good guidance of a true sadhu who gives direction in spiritual activities. A brief telling of the wonders of the marriage of Kardama Muni and his wife Devahuti.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Verse 14-16

    23/06/2011 Duration: 35min

    Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on June 23rd, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Lord Krishna benedict's those student of Bhagavad-gita who fully understand His not being subject to the fruits of material work with freedom from entanglement in fruitive reaction.

  • Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 4, Verse 13

    16/06/2011 Duration: 32min

    Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter 4, Verses 13Lecture given by Dulal Chandra dasa on June 16th, 2011 in Winston Salem, NC on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.Everyone has a specific nature according to the influence of the modes of material nature. The varnashrama system is instituted in civilized human society to engage everyone according to their natural inclinations, providing for both their material necessities and their spiritual upliftment. The spiritual master also provides directions under the regulation of vaidhi bhakti for the gradual purification of the spiritual aspirant. Such regulated spiritual life is maintained even by the realized transcendentalist, who are above such regulation, as an example for humanity at large.

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