Seo Dojo Radio



SEO and all forms of internet marketing are our topics. We discuss industry news, SEO and Internet techniques and interview of the the top names in the SEO Game!


  • SEOTesting: the Great Debate

    02/10/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    Testing is a time honored tradition with SEO's from the days when infoseek provided the exact point at which the repetition of phrases, keyword stuffing images and other spamilicious activity would get you penalized and the penalty was simply it did not accept the submission! That's a test.... some "testing" is based on correlation and conjecture as to causation or an SEO theory and verification of the theory by reaching a benchmark or goal indicating verification of the theory. SEO tools and Organizations like the Moz can do the big "tests" determine correlations between ranking and SEO techniques but in the end.... testing "the pack" means the correlation found is determined by the skill of the SEO and web development implementers in the pack. If a design trend (like big asse sliders and images at the top of home pages and blog posts) is a "page quality" and/or a conversion menace everyone following that trend is being affected the same way so the data is to some extent skewed by everyone making the same mi

  • Google Raters Guide Roundtable

    10/08/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    Directors Cut: David and I have been doing these deep dives on the raters guide for many years and have found them very useful in making, to a lesser degree, adjustments to our SEO techniques, however, it is a big part of the content strategy because if Google is saying to raters rate this lowest if you see this on the website... I think it is a good idea not to do that on your website! I hope you enjoy the video or audio as much as we did making it! The Hangout Video: Highlights Introductions: Jennifer Slegg of The SEM Post, Bill Slawski blogs on SEO By the SEA and Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital and Doc Sheldon Doc is the owner and editor of Search News Central and copy and technical SEO company Intrinsic Value SEO and Ammon Johns. Are these Ranking Factors: The panel discussed how they explain to clients and other SEO's what the raters Guide is and what is it used for. 7:24 - Jennifer Slegg's Executive Summary of Changes: Like many on this panel Jennifer has been analyzing the Guide for years

  • Technical SEO Site Audit: SEO Site Audits Start to Finish

    29/07/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    Technical SEO Audit Tools Screaming Frog: Crawls a site and collects data and identifies issues. Screaming Frog will crawl M's of URLs if the data is stored locally. SiteBulb: For larger sites DeepCrawl: For larger sites Google Knowledgegraph Search API: Bill uses it to get entity information Google Trends: Terry uses this to find audiences and better understand search intent SEMrush: Terry and David use SEMrush for high level views of a site. Terry uses it primarily for SERP out analysis in Technical SEO Audits. The Hosts Terry Van Horne Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

  • This Week in Search: Season 2 Episode 23

    20/07/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Introductions: The panel this week included Steve Bonin, David Harry, Steve Plunket, Doc Sheldon, Terry Van Horne, Kevin Doory, Katherine Parsons, Blair Urquat and Bill Slawski who are either members of the SEO Training Dojo or Friends of the Dojo. We would like to thank them for joining the hangout (some were in and out) and for sharing!! Checkout the highlights, T's thoughts and show notes for links to posts the panel discussed and the highlights which "roughly" give the time where the highlight occurs in the podcast. This week the panel discussed Speed of site as a ranking factor with a Mobile First Index; Mobile First Index and Mobile Friendly Design; SSL as a ranking factor started a discussion about privacy and a webmasters RIGHT to collect some info; Flat Architecture and Click Depth; SSL migration; SEO's should become Video Marketers post by Google and more SEO Tips. Highlights: Introductions.... 12:45 Speed of site as a ranking factor: Bill shared about finding AMP Pages in desktop results so it see

  • TWIS-S2-E22-final

    11/07/2018 Duration: 47min

    The group kicked off with Anne talking about a program she is trying that enables you to leverage video in a marketing campaign. Tim asked about newsletters and if the video program would be worth a look. Bill Slawski joined the group and we discussed Bill's post titled ranking factors. It seems Bill had his snarknado on because after receiving kudos from the group for not including NON BS factors and his sensible approach to implementing SEO to achieve maximum visibility on the post. Bill went on to share his motivation for the post (beyond training material for his employer) and in his feelings about Brian Dean's posts on Rankbrain and Google Ranking Factors. Bill's share started the group down the path to discussing how they choose the content they read. Terry apparently thinks SEJ should be avoided, however, Doc disagreed saying Danny Goodwin (past editor of Search Engine Watch) had improved it substantially. The group went on discussing Rankbrain and in particular how misleading posts tried to share how

  • This Week in Search: Season 2 Episode 20

    29/06/2018 Duration: 01h46min

    Anne led off the hangout talking about Yelp. She mentioned using Yelp wifi to increase reviews. The jury is out on that as it has not been in long enough to evaluate it. The group went on to discuss the difference between the number of Yelp reviews in the US and Canada Google results. It seems far fewer are in Canadian results. Tim went on to add that Yelp is in many of his clients knowledge panels, to which, some others added they have the same problem. Tim was able to improve his Yelp visibility with a time consuming audit of Yelp reviews and he was kind enough to share some of the ways he was able to not only remove negative reviews on his clients but also get positive reviews for competitors removed. Steve was bringing on a new SEO client which turned the conversation to using co-occurrence analysis as a way to optimize a page. Terry discussed his method of using the top 10 results for a query as the record set for the analysis. The discussion then turned to using SEMrush to increase visibility and findi

  • This Week In Search Season 2 Episode 21

    29/06/2018 Duration: 55min

    Anne started the hangout discussing a Local SEO campaign including a Facebook app which Terry added that he had done it in the past and wished her luck! Bill Slawski went on to discuss an upcoming post on Google Ranking Factors which Bill has since written and it is the best post I've seen on this topic. Bill, Terry and Steve discussed some of these factors in detail. Next, the group discussed Machine Learning, AI and analytics and how these terms are used improperly calling analytics machine learning and vice versa. Doc discussed his new site Mentors on Tap followed by Steve Bonin who talked about the joys of changing themes in WordPress. Steve discussed some local SEO he was doing that had many issues. Tim Colling also discussed a Local SEO project and asked Steve how he was handling reviews. Steve went over several actions and techniques for getting reviews. Terry Suggested SEMrush for actionable data. Terry continued the discussion talking about the new site coming from the SEO Training Dojo Community. S

  • This week in Search S1 E7

    03/05/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    !--video intro--> Here's the video version News Google AMP implementation Silicon Valley Google posts search results Google adwords expanded headlines now live improve internal linking calculate internal pagerank copyright bully Getty images complains to EU Google forced image search best practices for 301s in large htaccess file Google brings back in-depth articles to search results 17 day outage AMP survey Googles reasonable surfer patent updated   Hosts: Terry Van Horne Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!  

  • Search Geeks Speak: RankBrain Panel

    27/04/2016 Duration: 01h12min

      RankBrain Panel Discussion: Blog Posts on RankBrain SEL Coverage on RankBrain RankBrain coverage on SEM Post Bill's coverage on RankBrain More on SEM Post Gary Illyes comments Christine S on RankBrain Bloomberg article Stone Temple on RB myths Word2Vec David's coverage on the Word2Vec patent Word2Vec Project Insights Parameter learning explained (PDF) HummingBird HummingBird post on the DOjo Bill on Hummingbird Other Reading Google Brain project Google Deep Mind purchase Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality (PDF) “Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space” (PDF) Hosts: Terry Van Horne Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

  • This Week in Search

    26/04/2016 Duration: 01h46min

      Here's the video version (podcast is below that); News The Ultimate Seo Quiz Consumers Feel Google Search How To Get Google Calendar Events In The Search Results Cyrus Shepard Status Steve Plunkett Status Rank Tracking Useful Modern SEO Google Last Penguin Update Google Dont Worry Too Much About Page Speed Google Expands Amp Into News Google Manual Action Algorithm Penalty Google Ranking Algorithm Hits Google Ranking Algorithm Hits Footer Boilerplate Content Google   Hosts: Terry Van Horne Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!  

  • This Week in Search Season 1 Episode 4

    11/04/2016 Duration: 01h31min

      Here's the video version (podcast is below that); News How Google Processes Different Algos To Determine Sites Ranking Google Paul Haahr On Patents SEO Google Local Ranking Signals/160809 How Does Google Determine My Local Ranking Google Testing The New Penguin Algorithm What Is Google Rankbrain When Fake Good Reviews Are Bad For Business Hosts: Terry Van Horne Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

  • This Week in Search: Season 1 Episode 3

    04/04/2016 Duration: 48min

    Welcome back to another week and all the latest search and SEO news from the week past.. Here's the video version (podcast is below that);

  • This Week in Search: Season 1 Episode 2

    28/03/2016 Duration: 37min

    Here's the video version (podcast is below that); News Google 302 Pagerank - GONE Googles Gary Illyes On Penguin When Is It Coming And What Will It Do Jonathan Allen Tweet Google Will Be Using Machine Learning For Spam Detection Search Quality Does Google Use Click Data To Rank Pages A Local Seo Got 60 Clients Suspended Overnight Google Engineer Sarcasm Former Googler Spam Fighter says Machine Learning at Play Hosts: Terry Van Horne Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

  • Season 1 Episode 1

    21/03/2016 Duration: 46min

    You can stream the audio below or download it! Video News Google Estimates 25 Sites Now Use Secure Connections Teacher Didnt Tell Optimizing Site Speed Sites Penguin Cannot Request Manual Refresh Google Text In Images On Manual actions; All Google Manual Actions Send Warnings To Site Owners Google Manual Actions Do Not Last Forever Google on Blogger Product reviews Best Practices For Bloggers Reviewing Google Warns Bloggers Brands Of Tainted Posts Google Warns Bloggers Promotional Links Rank Brain Word to Vector Project Google Turning Its Lucrative Web Search Over To Ai Machines Faq All About The New Google Rankbrain Algorithm Rankbrain Everything We Know About Googles AI Algorithm Google To Announce That Links Are No Longer A Major Ranking Factor

  • The Regulators Search News; April 2 2015

    08/04/2015 Duration: 01h46s

      Here's the video version (podcast is below that); And here's the download and the streaming Audio: Google's Mobile April 21st update doorway page update in the Google guidelines and the usual SEO response: Google uses doorway pages FTC staff wanted to sue Google deep linking search appwords Google and the Knowledge Graph: techcrunch Google Bill Slawski does some answer searches Jan-Willem Bobbink: optimising Google's knowledge graph answer SERP's do drive traffic... in fact! Lots of it! the Regulators: Terry Van Horne Steve Gerenscer Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

  • Search Geeks Speak: Local SEO 2015

    30/03/2015 Duration: 01h19min

      Local SEO 2015 Google is using knowledge Panels in competitive areas to highlight ads and Google Properties Knowledge Panes Problems Editing Data Google is in Control of Local SEO 2015: get the Dojo's iTunes and Dojo Radio iPhone App!

  • The Regulators Search News; March 11 2015

    16/03/2015 Duration: 01h07min

      Here's the video version (podcast is below that); data driven SEO getting detailed insights using free tools Facts are replacing links! Discussions on  Bill Slawski and Scientific Americain Google breaks G+ up into image and info streams the Regulators: Terry Van Horne Steve Gerenscer Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

  • The Regulators Search News; February 26 2015

    26/02/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    Here's the video version Become a Google Local Guide Google Tightens it's grip on the money being made over at Youtube Google Flights - seems legit and who would complain? Pinterest continues to get better at fighting spam Googles new hacked classifier misclassifies web sites Older copy of the Webmaster Guidelines Google Vietnam was hacked breifly Google chat boxes on local listings Panda turns 4? What to ask when hiring an SEO... (from Bing) the Regulators: Terry Van Horne Steve Gerenscer Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!  

  • The Regulators Search News; February 13 2015

    13/02/2015 Duration: 01h08min

      Here's the video version: the myth of the penguin penalty Google says no Panda or Penguin update Facebook/YouTube apples and oranges negative seo study Google get access to Twitters firehose: SEL Marketing Land the Regulators: Terry Van Horne Steve Gerenscer Dave Harry iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

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