Bill Crockett Ministries



The latest feed from Bill Crockett Ministries on


  • The Moment We Die

    28/04/2023 Duration: 35min

    What actually happens the split second we die and leave this life to the next-- In this study we will examine what the Bible says about that moment.

  • What Are We Made Of?

    23/04/2023 Duration: 44min

    God created mankind in the garden when he formed Adam from the dust of the ground. But what else did he give Adam that day-- It was more than just a body. Is this lesson we discuss the make up of mankind, Body, Soul - Spirit, what they are as well as what happens to each part when we die.

  • 3 People Who Died

    21/04/2023 Duration: 25min

    A look at 3 people who died in the Bible and what happened to them.

  • Time to Grow Up-Biblical Principles of Leadership

    23/06/2022 Duration: 22min

    In the life of Joshua, on of the greatest national and military leaders of the Bible, we find 5 Principles of successful leadership that can be applied to our lives as well. these principles are critical in leading our individual lives, our families, our ministries our jobs or any other responsibility we have been given. We will be able to apply these 5 principles in many areas of our lives. Please join us as we learn from the life of Joshua Biblical Principles of Leadership-

  • Time to Grow Up - Preparation

    07/06/2022 Duration: 26min

    At some point we must all grow up and become adults. We must take responsibility for our own choices and decisions as well as the consequences for them. Part of the growing up process is learning so that we are prepared for the day we become an adult and launch out on our own. As we grow there are 5 foundational truths that we learn from the study of the life of Joshua as he was prepared by God to grow up and take responsibility for leading the children of Israel into the promised land. In this episode we will define those 5 truths and see how we too should form them as we grow up-

  • How To Know What's Right When It's Not Black & White - Pt 3

    17/05/2022 Duration: 20min

    In this episode we will discuss the last 4 principles of the 8 Principles for determining what is right relative to questionable things.

  • How To Know What's Right When It's Not Black & White-Pt 2

    13/05/2022 Duration: 23min

    How do we know what the right thing is when the Bible is not clear. Is is ok to drink a beer, go to a movie, dance, eat in a restaurant that has a bar, and on and on- In the next two episodes we will talk about 8 Biblical principles or questions we should ask ourselves to determine if what we are about to do is the RIGHT thing to do. In this episode we will look at the first 4 principles, including the foundational principle that governs the other 7. Tomorrow we will finish up with the last 4 principles.--Thanks for listening to Touch of the Master's Hand. May God draw you closer to Himself through the study of His Word-

  • How To Know What's Right When It's Not Black & White-pt 1

    11/05/2022 Duration: 13min

    How can we know what is right when it is not spelled out in black and white- In this 3 part series we will present 8 Biblical principles we can use in determining what is right relative to questionable things.--We begin in part one with 5 characteristics that must be true about our lives if we are to understand right and wrong at all. Without these 5 things, the 8 principles we will discuss will seem foolish.--Join us as we discover how to know what is right when it is not black and white.

  • HELP - My Life is Going From Bad to Worse!

    01/05/2022 Duration: 21min

    Several years ago my life began a downward spiral that I thought would never stop. It was like I was in quick sand and every decision I made seemed to make things worse. Until God intervened and changed everything. If that is how you are feeling, this episode is for you. King David felt the same way and in Psalm 25 he gives us the answer. How to stop the downward spiral and get back to a place of purpose and joy in life. All the principles are discussed in this episode.

  • I Have No Direction For My Life-What Do I Do

    28/04/2022 Duration: 26min

    Do you feel lost- Are you struggling to figure out what to do with your life- You are not alone. I have been there, more than once. In this episode I will take you through the steps for finding the Path for your life. I experienced God's direction for me by following these very principles and they work.

  • 03-Fellowship with God pt2

    19/09/2017 Duration: 23min

    How can a flawed human being have fellowship or be a partner with a perfect, holy God- In this lesson we will explore what God says about how that partnership is a possible. We will also learn what the Bible means when it uses the terms light - darkness.

  • 02-Fellowship With God pt 1

    12/09/2017 Duration: 20min

    Fellowship with God is the foundational characteristic of the Christian's life. In part one of this 2 part lesson we will study the Meaning of Fellowship and then discuss who the main partner is in the Fellowship we have with God.

  • 01-Intro-Basic Characteristics of the Christian Life

    12/09/2017 Duration: 19min

    In a world where values, morals - even religion is changing, what characteristics define a follower of Jesus Christ- In this study of the book of 1 John we will explore the 7 basic characteristics of the follower of Jesus. This lesson explores the background of the book of 1 John that sets the stage for the topics of and the reason why John wrote the book.

  • The Bible & Alcohol

    26/08/2016 Duration: 46min

    Jesus turns water into wine. Did the wine Jesus made have an alcohol content- What does the Bible say about the Christian and alcohol- Is it wrong for a believer to drink an alcoholic beverage- This lesson deals with truth about alcohol from God's perspective.

  • Questionable Things

    26/08/2016 Duration: 49min

    This lesson is about 7 Biblical Principles that govern questionable things in the life of a believer. It is to be applied not only to the issue of alcohol but all questionable things in life.

  • 2-The Knowledge of God

    06/03/2016 Duration: 19min

    The knowledge of God is the key to being effective and productive in our walk with Jesus Christ. In this lesson we dig into what the knowledge of God really is and what it looks like in our daily life.

  • 1-E&P Introduction

    29/02/2016 Duration: 14min

    Can you define an effective and productive Christian- What does this kind of life look like- Is effectiveness measured by how many notches we have in our -gospel gun- belt showing how many people we witnessed to this week or the number of people we personally led to Christ- Is productivity measured by how large our ministry is, or how popular we are on social media- Is it determined by how we dress or what kind of music we listen to- Is our health or our bank account taken into consideration- This series looks at what God says makes us effective - productive as followers of Christ.

  • Knowing Jesus Personally

    26/01/2013 Duration: 37min

    To know God we must know Jesus. So how to we get personal with Jesus- In this lesson we will learn what that means.

  • Getting to Know God

    26/01/2013 Duration: 28min

    Religion or relationship- Which one really changes a person's life- In this series, we will discover what it means to get personal with God. How to have a true personal, real relationship with the living - true God through His son Jesus. If we can understand these truths it will transform not only our lives but our Christianity.

  • When is Revival Needed?

    26/01/2013 Duration: 36min

    There are times in our Christian walk when we become lethargic, complacent, lukewarm and even spiritually indifferent. We can lose focus on loving God and others. Many times this is caused by our distraction with the things around us. In this lesson we will discuss when we need personal revival or renewal in our spiritual lives and begin discussing how to have it.

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