American Family Farmer



A weekly look at trends in Family Farming and Healthy Eating.


  • 3/16/23 - AFF - Optimizing Your Farm For The Best Tax Bracket

    15/03/2023 Duration: 35min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about creating more "Fairness For Farmers" as the National Farmers Union pushes for creating new labeling requirements for meat, poultry and eggs, the FDA wants all over-the-counter antibiotics/drugs for livestock to require prescriptions by June 1st. Next, we meet Joey Geter, CPA Shareholder, CRS CPAs. Joey joined the firm in 2011 and brings with him many years of experience in public accounting, tax, and audit fields. They discuss wealth building strategies also which coincides with tax strategies. Some of the items to watch out for and what are best practices or tips when filing as a family farmer or member of the ag world that is not part of a large farm-based corporation. Finally, Farmer Doug opines that farmers need to become advocates for themselves. Why are farmers only receiving 7-cents of every dollar spent on food? Enough is Enough!

  • 3/9/23 - AFF - Empowering Women And People Of Color In Farming

    09/03/2023 Duration: 35min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about a USDA report that shows our country’s largest farms are providing 20% of the crops and smaller farms account for the rest, a long time Kentucky farm is suspending its horse racing operations due to the inability to hire skilled staff, an Ohio mink farm has been vandalized and 40k mink go free. Next, we meet Kesha Cobb, Arkansas National Women in Agriculture Association Chairperson. She is a Mother, Minister, Motivational Speaker, Author, Philanthropist, Financial Empowerment Advocate, Entrepreneur and Human Rights Activist. She talks about her own farming activities and explains how NWIAA works to empower Women and People of Color to become successful farmers. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about the need to have clear job descriptions for all workers on your farm.

  • 1/12/23 - AFF - Making Farming Cool, Again

    06/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about how the American Farm Bureau has made a deal with John Deere to move forward by observing Right To Repair guidelines for their farm equipment and all about the new New Holland tractor that runs on self-producible methane liquid fuel. Next, we meet Virginia Dahm, Founder & CEO at Kestrel Website Design & Development. Virginia grew up in Kansas City, graduated from the University of Southern California, and has lived in rural Illinois for many years. After building her first web site in 1996 for a grain elevator cooperative, she began developing other web sites for agriculture companies, family farms, and rural businesses which became the basis for Kestrel Web Design and Development and still is today. They design & develop, graphic design, ad lay-out, brochure design, logo development, E-mail blasts and web marketing for farms and farm organizations of many sizes. Finally, Farmer Doug opi

  • 3/2/23 - AFF - The Tools To Market Your Farm

    03/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about how many chicken wings were consumed on Superbowl Sunday, Colorado passes Right To Repair legislation and 20 more states are close to passing it. Next, we meet Danny Mauk, Graphic & Web Designer for Farm Web Design. Many farms still don't have web sites or even contact information available on the internet. After fifteen years, they have successfully produced websites for more than 250 farms and agribusinesses throughout the U.S. and Canada. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about the new farm bill and the lack of focus on the "real" farming issues.

  • 1/31/23 - AFF - Protecting Farmers and Farmworkers

    03/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about the rising costs of farming. Number one concern is the rising interest costs on loans, followed closely by the costs of feed, fertilizer and fuel. Next, we meet Dr. Erika Scott, PhD, Deputy Director of the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety. The Northeast Center works to identify actionable solutions so that ag, fishing and forestry workers can survive and thrive on the job — whether that work is a passion, a paycheck or a combination of both. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about pooling farm resources and suggests that farmers form groups to share farm equipment among neighboring farms.

  • 1/24/23 - Meet A California Farmer Who Manages 11K Acres

    03/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about the rising cost of eggs and last year's Avion Flu, a new AI robot that assists with farming. Next, we meet Cannon Michael, who is President & CEO of Bowles Farming Co, a multicrop California Farmer who manages 11-thousand acres of farmland. He is the 6th generation of his family to work in the family farming business. A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, Cannon joined the company in 1998. Environmental stewardship, ethical treatment of workers, and sustainable production are all extremely important to Cannon and the Bowles Farming Company team. Finally, farmer Doug opines about how our food system is at risk, from the lack of Veterinarians.

  • 1/17/23 - A Path To Restoring Soil Health

    03/03/2023 Duration: 33min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about the annual meeting of the American Farm Bureau and their proposals against John Deere concearning The Right To Repair proposal, New Holland introduces a new tractor that runs on Methane that can be produced from manuer. Next, we meet Dr. Zach Bush, MD, founder of Farmer's Footprint. Farmer’s Footprint is a coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and offer a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices. Next, Farmer Doug opines about the importance of having a presence on U-Tube and learning how to protect your farm, after you're gone.

  • 12/28/22 - Your Next Home Could Be An "Agrihood"

    14/02/2023 Duration: 36min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about a bee farmer who was helped get back on his feet by other local farmers when his hives were destroyed by a bear, an Iowa bovine sanctuary was also helped by local farmers when his barn was destroyed. Next, we meet Greg Cohen, who is working with Farmer Doug to crate an "Agrihood." Agrihoods are based around the concept of integrating farms and gardens into neighborhoods, allowing for the development of residential neighborhoods that have a rural feel. Integrating agriculture into neighborhoods also allows for communities to supply themselves with locally-produced food. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about the challenges facing farmers in 2023.

  • 12/22/22 - Keeping Farmers And Farm Workers Healthy From Pesticides

    13/02/2023 Duration: 37min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about abandon pigs spreading diseases, a Chicago couple changes abondon lots to organic flower farms; "From Farm to Vase." Next we meet Jordan Lee, spokesman for Udo's Choice Supplements. The story of Udo’s Choice begins with adversity: In 1980, the founder got pesticide poisoning and became very ill. With possible cancer and death to look forward to, he got serious about healing himself at a core level. Putting his science background to use, he learned a lot about health and nutrition. The story has a good ending: he healed himself, and turned what he learned into practical advice for anyone interested in health. This is why Udo’s Choice health products exist today. Finally, Farmer Doug offers some new tips for dealing with the winter weather.

  • 12/15/22 - The Answer Is in Corn

    13/02/2023 Duration: 37min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about how leaks in the Keystone Pipeline are destroying farmland, vegetable prices are up 40% from last year. Next, we meet Kelly Nieuwenhuis, vice chair of National Corn Growers Association’s Ethanol Action Team. He is a farmer of 39 years and serves as vice chair of NCGA’s Ethanol Action Team and Chair of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board. He oversees a farm in Iowa with over 2800 acres of row crops he tends with two brothers. With an ongoing global energy crisis and growing climate threats, there is a heightened focus on how to meet the nation’s long-term energy needs while reducing emissions. Founded in 1957, the National Corn Growers Association represents nearly 40,000 dues-paying corn growers and the interests of more than 300,000 farmers who contribute through corn checkoff programs in their states. Finslly, Farmer Doug encourages farmers to develop the presence on social media.

  • 12/08/22 - Why Natural/Organic Ingredients Are Best For Supplements

    12/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about Kroger's $25-million offer to buy Albertsons and why the merger will allow them to beat down farmers on prices. A cider mill and Christmas Tree farm in Kalamazoo has been shut down by unfair zoning regulations. Next, we meet Dr. Jack Stockwell, NUCCA Chiropractor and nutritional specialist. He only creates and recommends food supplements from Standard Practice, a company that only uses natural and organic ingredients in its products. Next, Farmer Doug opines about ridiculous claims that cow manure is bad for the environment.

  • 12/01/22 - Meet A Northeast Farmer Who Raises Farm-To-Table Grass-fed Beef

    12/01/2023 Duration: 35min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about a new multi-million-dollar hi-tech indoor farm that is going in south of San Antonio, TX. The farm will provide lots of new low-income farm jobs. A Hawaiian trout farm is looking to move, due to land displacement from volcanos. Pacific salmon farms will be getting hundreds of acres of new spawning ground, due to the dismantling of unused hydro-electric dams. Next, we meet Steve Normanton of Normanton Farms, He raises and sells farm-to-table products, all raised on their organic managed pastures. Steve Normanton utilizes regenerative agriculture and finds it has numerous benefits, one of which is keeping plants healthy for consumption. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about teaching children on the farm to respect dangerous farm equipment.

  • 11/24/22 - What You Didn't Know About Cranberries

    12/01/2023 Duration: 35min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about new financing being made available for Regenerative Farming and $24-million being offered for farm development programs. The number of accidents involving tractors is on the rise. Next, we meet Danny Raulerson Executive Director, Cranberry Marketing Committee, who discusses his team’s work with cranberry farmers, along with what he’s seeing many farmers experience with climate change, grow techniques and getting ready for consumers to enjoy a beloved Thanksgiving staple.. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about "Food Inflation." Why are food prices going up and the farmers aren't seeing the increase in their profits?

  • 11/17/22 - How Would A Diesel Fuel Shortage Affect Your Farm?

    09/01/2023 Duration: 30min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news that some dairy farmers have added cheese making to their list of products. Liquid milk production alone is not keeping dairy farms afloat, even though the demand for dairy products is up from last year. There's also news about a new electronic device that helps increase milk production. Next, we meet Agriculture Commissioner of Georgia Gary Black. He is concerned about a potential diesel fuel shortage and how it would impact farmers and predicts the shortage will cause fuel prices to rise, causing higher grocery bills. Finally, Farmer Doug opines that farms need a presence on Social Media and that they should keep their message consistent.

  • 10/13/22 - Challenges For The Young Farmer

    14/11/2022 Duration: 35min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about several were arrested but not charged with pig-napping after trying to make a point, while rescuing them. A Michigan farmer was charged with dumping untreated human waste. Then, a look at the damage to crops and livestock as a result of the recent hurricane. Next, we meet Phillip Gruber, a reporter for a Lancaster, NJ farming newspaper. He wrote a recent article touching on the topic and how NJ is committed to helping, New Jersey Committee Backs Aid for Beginning Farmers — https:// forbeginning-farmers/article_9211de1e-3e8c-11ed-bcaa-fbdb6163d174.html The legislation approved Sept. 22 is about supporting farm viability and “putting the garden back in the Garden State,” said Assemblyman Roy Freiman, chairman of the Agriculture and Food Security Committee. Finally, Farmer Doug suggests that you should take the time to th

  • 10/06/22 - The Growing Epidemic Of Suicides On The Farm

    31/10/2022 Duration: 35min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with the latest Agricultural News, including what you can expect to pay for Thanksgiving dinner this year, New York governor wants to impose limits of 40 hours per week for farm workers, farm accidents are on the rise and the world's largest corn maze pays tribute to James Bond films. Next, we meet Dr. Julie Marfell & Laura Weddle. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death among Americans. Unfortunately, farmers experience an even worse toll. From 2004 to 2017, 109 Kentucky farmers died by suicide, with those over 64 most at risk. Currently, stressors are the highest they have been in years, with producers suffering with supply chain issues, changing weather patterns and increasing input prices. However, the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and College of Nursing are working to address these issues through a joint program coined BARN, or Bring Action Right Now. We learn all about their unique pro

  • 09/29/22 - Learn From A Prospering Fifth Generation Farmer

    10/10/2022 Duration: 36min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with the latest Agricultural News, including the exploding number of Chinese fishing fleets and how they are affecting other countries and the NFL Indiana Colts present Willie Nelson with a one-million dollar check at Farm Aid, 2022. Next, we meet Doug Carrigan, head of a fifth generation Family Farm. Carrigan Farms has been family-owned since 1902, and brings smiles each year to more than 300,000 at the 275-acre farm. Doug explains how they've survived for five generations and continue to prosper. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about recalls and how the affect the local farmer.

  • 09/22/22 - Farmers Helping Farmers In Times Of Tragedy

    03/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with the latest Agricultural News, including news about the narrowly avoided train strike and the current lack of young farmers, with today's average age being 60. Next, we meet Meg Plucinski of D & M Family Farms, in Jefferson County, Wisconsin. are a small, organic dairy farm in Southeastern Wisconsin, and operate their 300-acres where their animals are grazed, intensively on well-maintained, award-winning pastures. They also raise chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle. A devastating fire recently burned their barn to the ground. without a place to milk the cows, D & M Family Farm is at a standstill. "Everything we worked for this summer is gone and our income is gone." When the fire broke out, neighbors lined the road with their trucks to help relocate the cows. The help didn't stop there, friends, neighbors, andeven strangers all jumped in to lend a helping hand. L

  • 09/01/22 - Processing Plant or Slaughterhouse?

    12/09/2022 Duration: 34min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with the latest Agricultural News, including news that the number of hog farms are shrinking, Iowa is the number one hog processing state. Next, we meet Jane Velez-Mitchell, founder and content editor of UnChainedTV, a multi-platform social media news outlet that produces original video content on animals’ rights and the vegan/compassionate lifestyle, and Renee King-Sonnen, founder and executive director of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary, a former cattle ranch turned vegan, the first in history. They present the question: "Ever wonder why we never hear the term 'slaughterhouse.' instead of 'processing plant'?” Finally, Farmer Doug opines about how there are fewer and fewer auctions than there were 10 years ago, Amish farming and PETA.

  • 08/25/22 - Keeping The Farm In The Family

    29/08/2022 Duration: 36min

    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with the latest Agricultural News, including: an update on the drought and how it's affecting Texas, apple crops late in Minnesota and the Indiana Hosier Homestead Awards. Next. Doug introduces us to Melissa O'Rourke, Farm and Agribusiness Management Specialist at the Iowa State University Extension Service, . They discuss how the extension offices work, foreign farmland ownership, goat milk, how to keep the farm in the family, being good stewards of the land and women in farming.

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