Naked Subjects with Gerardo, Giuseppe and Platano

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 54:59:59
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What do a Colombian self-defense expert/wannabe street philosopher, an Italian accountant with anger management issues and a celibate Puerto Rican musician, all from the mean streets of NYC, have in common? Not much, and more than you might think. Tune in as we discuss hot button issues, history, politics and anything else that pops into our not-always-stable minds, along with occasional advice on fitness, finance and self protection...


  • Episode 43: The Bond Between an African-American Hero and a Nazi, and What It Can Teach All of Us, How It’s Possible To Scare The Literal Sh!t Out of Birds, Freestyle Music and Cultural Unity, The Link Between Tyranny and Bachata, Platano Has Been Located

    27/08/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    Gerardo and Giuseppe get into some thought-provoking stuff on this one! We start with the story of African-American sports legend Jesse Owens, who represented the United States at the Berlin Olympics, presided over by none other than Adolf Hitler, who had intended to use the event as a vehicle to establish the supremacy of the Aryan race. Enter Jesse Owens, who threw a definitive wrench into that narrative. But in the process, he developed an unlikely and beautiful bond with the very athlete who was to represent the Führer’s hopes and aspirations. We also get into some little-known anecdotes about those games, including a pretty funny one involving a storm of pigeon poop. Also, Giuseppe the history buff gets humbled, as the fact that he is unaware of one of the darkest periods in the history of the Dominican Republic. The discussion turns to the unifying power of music, and the awkwardness continues as Giuseppe’s dancing skills come under more scrutiny than he would like. Finally, we rejoice, as the once-celi

  • Episode 42: Gerardo's Unconventional Road to Spiritual Epiphany. Platano, Where Are You??

    08/08/2024 Duration: 01h28min

    It's been a while, and there have been some changes. Gerardo has rediscovered his spiritual roots through a chain of events that could best be described as less than traditional. Has Platano broken his celibacy? The attractive young lady he's been photographing himself with on his social media offers some titillating clues. We can only speculate, as he has, unfortunately, ghosted us. Join us as we speculate; perhaps you can locate him and get him to talk to us...

  • Episode 41- Death on the Subway: The Case of Jordan Neely

    18/05/2023 Duration: 01h49min

    On May 1st, 2023, Jordan Neely, a homeless man who was once a presence in the New York subways as an entertainer known for his Michael Jackson impersonations, was strangled to death by former marine Daniel Penny. Neely had been threatening passengers, and had a past record of unprovoked violent assaults. The case is yet another example of this country's political polarization, with one side claiming this was a cold blooded lynching of a man who was down on his luck, while the other sees the ex-marine as a good samaritan who was willing to do his part to combat the escalating incidents of violence against the citizens of the city. Should Penny be charged in the death? Was he within his rights to get physically involved? Did he use excessive force. Was Neely a legitimate threat? Two seasoned New Yorkers, who are no strangers to the street, weigh in.  Gerardo, a self-defense expert, gives his perspective on whether the chokehold was properly applied and appropriate to the situation from both a legal and tac

  • Episode 39: Free Speech on the Chopping Block in California, Anti-Gunners Losing Ground in NYC, Is Platano Living on the Fringes? Also, Why You Need A Bidet; Right Now, and Platano Tells One of the Most Disgusting Stories We've Ever Heard (Warning: Not fo

    09/10/2022 Duration: 01h22min

    We are back! In this episode, we discuss California Bill AB 2098, which limits what an individual Doctor can recommend to a patient. We also get into a recent development in NYC which will make handguns accessible where they previously were not.  Gerardo's life is revolutionized by a new bathroom appliance, and Platano closes things out with an incident which is utterly revolting, and not for those with weak stomachs. Until next time...

  • Episode 38: Is There An AI Apocalypse Headed Our Way?

    27/06/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Recent developments in the world of Artificial Intelligence, computing and robotics are making what were once the fanciful products of science fiction an imminent reality. Namely, robots that can rescue, kill, provide companionship, and fulfill myriad other functions in ways that may be indistinguishable, perhaps even superior, than what real humans can. Will this happen within our lifetime? Are we ready? Join us as we tackle the sometimes enticing, sometimes disturbing implications of where this tide will take us...

  • Episode 37: Supreme Court Madness, Roe v Wade, Second Amendment

    27/06/2022 Duration: 01h42min

    We're back, and it's been quite a tumultuous ride. In two decisions whose implications are historically significant, Roe v Wade is overturned, and Second Amendment right have been expanded. The public upheaval has been significant, and is certain to continue. Listen in as Gerardo, Giuseppe and our guest Atomic Betty offer their honest views on these latest developments. In this discussion, which gets tumultuous at times, you'll get truly honest perspectives on different sides of the spectrum. What you won't get is the sanctimonious sloganeering that all too often a part of hot button debates. Check it out, and let us know what you think!

  • Episode 36: The Sh*tshow in the Ukraine

    08/03/2022 Duration: 01h24min

    So Putin decides to make a move, and the Ukrainian people are stuck in the middle. Besides the people trying to live their lives in peace, are there any good guys at the leadership level? Is Zelensky an innocent hero or another dictator with a good PR game? What, if any, rationale is there for Putin to do what he did? Can we intervene without the prospect of nuclear war or economic disaster? These are hard questions which the Naked Subject crew tackles, with blunt  perspectives on all sides of isle, minus the contrived media narratives. Have a listen and let us know what you think on our Instagram and Facebook pages! Until next time...

  • Episode 35: The Erosion of the Culture of Free Speech, Governmental Use of Crises to Increase its own power, Giuseppe's Bigfoot Dreams are Crumbling...

    24/02/2022 Duration: 01h58min

    Weee're....Baaack! After a lengthy, Covid-borne  hiatus , the team is behind the mics once again. The world has gone through quite a bit, and we proudly bring you the perspectives of a Colombian-American self-defense expert with a fetish for melee weapons, an Italian-American accountant with testosterone coursing through his blood (and medicine cabinet), and a young drummer who is part Colombian, Part Puerto Rican and all about getting through his hangover. Join us as we discuss the ramifications of the slew of recent social upheavals on the ideals of free speech, and liberty at large.  Until next time...

  • Episode 33: Vice Presidential Debate, The Anatomy of Electoral Fraud

    13/10/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    This time around, the crew talks about the recent Vice Presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. Giuseppe does some fact checking, and weighs in on letting Kamala speak, as well as his reservations about Pence's disposition. We also talk about the issue of election fraud; how pervasive is it, and what, if anything, is being done to address it? The implications can be somewhat troubling, and we explore some hard questions...

  • Episode 34: Hillary Clinton Under Investigation

    13/10/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    In this episode, we discuss the current investigation of Hillary Clinton, which alleges that her campaign illegally spied on, and knowingly spread false information about Donald Trump's collusion with the Russians. Was that case a hoax? Is this a witch hunt against Clinton? How dirty will this election get? Quite, according to Giuseppe, as he drops some illuminating facts about the Electoral College...

  • Episode 32: Trump Gets The 'Rona! Will This Affect His Prospects??

    06/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    Trump comes down with Covid, and pandemonium follows. Will this affect his prospects for re-election? How will he recover from this, both physically and politically? Is he crazy like a fox, or just crazy? They crew engages in a contentious discussion on the implications of all of this...

  • Episode 31: The Presidential Debate? Will Trump Ever Shut Up? Did Anyone Win? What Are Trump's Hispanic Prospects Looking Like?

    06/10/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    Platano is back! The gang weighs in on the recent Presidential debate (or debacle, depending on your perspective) between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Did anyone win? We also discuss Trump's popularity, or lack thereof, among minorities. Giuseppe claims he is doing well with Hispanics. Gerardo and Platano are not so sure. Mayhem ensues...

  • Episode 30: Why Were There No Charges in the Shooting of Breonna Taylor? Giuseppe Struggles with Guilt as a Result of a Tragic Accident

    28/09/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    We are joined again by our friend Atomic Betty, who chimes in with her perspective on the case of Breonna Taylor, who was shot in a botched police raid. There were no direct charges filed on the matter of her shooting. Why? We explore the issue with some perspectives that may surprise you. On the way to recording the podcast, Giuseppe gets in to a vehicular mishap with consequences that shatter him. He did not encounter the type of sensitivity and support that would have made him feel better...

  • Episode 29: The Legacy of RBG (And Why Giuseppe Is Not Impressed). Atomic Betty Weighs In

    23/09/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    Joined once again by Atomic Betty, we discuss the legacy Supreme Court Justice and American Icon, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has passed away. Gerardo and Atomic Betty feel that, whether one agrees with her stances or not, her contributions to American Law warrant their fair share of recognition. Giuseppe disagrees, mayhem ensues. Join us as the fur flies!

  • Episode 28: Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse, Atomic Betty Explains Why Giuseppe's Sex is Whack

    23/09/2020 Duration: 01h23min

    This time we are joined by one of our favorite guests, Atomic Betty who, along with fascinating glimpses into her polyamorous lifestyle, weighs in on the Jacob Blake incident, in which a man in police custody was shot 7 times, as well as Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old who shot 3 people in the ensuing protest. She also presents her reasons for why she thinks Giuseppe's sex, in her words, whack, much to Gerardo's amusement. Check it out!

  • Episode 27: BLM, Why you can't take Giuseppe anywhere, Science, stats and racism

    19/09/2020 Duration: 01h40min

    This time around, we talk about BLM, the crime wave that has hit Giuseppe's neighborhood, and get into a sometimes difficult conversation about what happens when science and statistics produce controversial results. Is it possible to fearlessly confront uncomfortable information while maintaining social sensitivity? Gerardo also discusses how taking Giuseppe for a walk in his 'hood can lead to embarrassing consequences. Check it out! 

  • Episode 26: Staying in Shape the Low-Tech Way, No-BS Self Defense, Giuseppe's wife and public violence

    16/09/2020 Duration: 01h32min

    The crew engages in some real talk on staying in shape and staying safe. We talk about building a sound, all-purpose fitness regimen, nutrition, defending yourself in dangerous situations and why some of the best information you'll find on these subjects comes from and unexpected source. Giuseppe, in addition to talking about steroids, teaches us that you can't judge a book by its cover, sharing a story about his normally level-headed wife's transformation from mild-mannered to blood-thirsty after a few cocktails. Join us, and you may pick up a tip or two!

  • Episode 25: Hairy Giants Among Us?

    02/08/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    With all the upheavals occurring in our volatile world, Giuseppe demonstrates a remarkable focus on the things that really matter. Join us as he enlightens us on the latest developments in the battle that rages on as to whether or not Bigfoot lurks in our midst. He presents the latest evidence from the scientific world (which he believes is subject to shenanigans), as well as two live guests who claim to have had encounters with the ancient, giant hominid roaming the wilderness. Will Gerardo be convinced, or will he remain the closed-minded, skeptical Killjoy that so frustrates Giuseppe? Tune in and find out!

  • Episode 24: Crime Surge, Political Policing, 'Roid Shortages In the Time of Covid..

    24/07/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    In this latest installment of the show, Gerardo and Giuseppe sound off on the recent surge in violent crime in our country, how it relates to the Second Amendment, and ask whether law enforcement is being used for political aims. We also talk steroid shortages, the fine points of sticking needles into yourself, and the dynamics of sexual bribery in the marriage bed. Tune in, and if you like it, spread the word!

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