This is our journey into all areas and all topics. Nothing is off-limits, nothing is censored.
Ep. 07
14/07/2019 Duration: 01h22minIn this episode, Mitch and Christian focus on a very controversial topic: internet censorship. We discuss from various angles, including: demonitizing, whether a moral compass or moral boundaries exist in the internet "town square", our definitions and responses to the concept of "freedom of speech", and we speculate on where we'll end up from here!
Ep. 04
05/02/2019 Duration: 01h11minEpisode 4? What happened to 3? Well, technical difficulties happened. We may upload that episode later if it can be salvaged. In this episode, we discuss at length the implications of the MAGA symbol and the silent confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial between a young boy and an older Native American man.
Ep. 02
27/10/2018 Duration: 46minIn our second episode, we talk about our take on conservatives' double-standard on abortion (women's rights), keeping religion out of government roles, voting, mud-slinging in political ads, domestic terrorism, and more!*In this episode, a slight improvement in room acoustics is made, but we were forced to once again share a single mic. Come next episode, we will have isolated mics and the result should be considerably better!*