A random guy with antisocial tendencies on a journey to be and feel better. Good 'nuff?
Welcome, Mr. Tyler Doll
15/03/2019 Duration: 01h22minOur first real interview, homie. Get some! Mitch chats with Computer Scientist and dear friend, Tyler. They talk about science, booze, and those deep feels.
First Fucking Episode!
08/03/2019 Duration: 49minNumero uno!!! The safety wheels are off in this one, broh. Mitch really... uh... talks. And there's some major jammage, some real tunez. Prime your ears for some sound waves and push the button. Go on. Push it.
Welcome, Friends.
01/03/2019 Duration: 23minA short introduction/trailer for the show. This is a new podcast with the main goal of exploring mental illness and destroying stigma all over the place. Come along, if ye dare.