Radi8 Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 46:36:03
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Leiden University's International Studies Podcast Network


  • Green Careers: Sustainable Matchmaking and the Green Job Market

    06/12/2023 Duration: 41min

    In this episode of the Green Careers segment, Lars and Anne talk to Eva Haanraadts from Sustainable Talent. She is a green matchmaker and helps to connect people that want to have sustainable careers with green employers. In their conversation Eva talks about how she landed her job, what her day to day looks like, how she could incorporate her findings from her Master’s in her job and what the major drawbacks and opportunities in the green job market are.

  • Let's Talk - Season 2, Episode 1: Comparison and Personal Timeline

    08/02/2023 Duration: 53min

    Welcome back to a new season of Radi8 Radio!  In this episode, the girls from Let’s talk have a chat about comparison and personal timelines. Have you ever felt as if others always have things figured out while you are just finding out how to keep everything from falling apart? Do you fear not being able to match hustle culture standards? Are you still figuring out who you are while you feel like everyone has their future planned? Then press play, and listen to our hosts address this and more in today's episode.  If you enjoyed this episode, you can let us know and send your thoughts on Instagram at @radi8radio  Hosts: Xaviera, Souki and Lulu.  Jingle: David K.

  • Radi8 x HOIS: Evalien

    26/08/2022 Duration: 24min

    In this new mini-project, Radi8Radio and Humans of IS decided to collaborate and provide stories and experiences from our peers! Humans of IS has been conducting interviews with students from IS about their struggles, passions and dreams. In this new episode of Radi8Radio's collaboration with Humans of IS, Divertje and Veerle got the chance to speak to Evalien. Evalien discusses her personal growth and change in career path. Evalien tells us all about her passion for theatre and how it has influenced the person she is today, how she got into activism (specifically her work for Students for Palestine) and the interesting connection between acting and activism.  If you are curious about the original interviews with Evalien, check out Humans of IS on instagram: @humansofis Evalien's favourite song featured in this episode: "Long Live Palestine" by Lowkey 

  • Green Careers: Sustainability Consulting

    22/08/2022 Duration: 38min

    Today’s episode is the first one within our new rubric: Green Careers. We want to talk to people that are making a positive impact in their professional lives and ask them for tips and tricks so you get an idea what kind of green jobs exist. In our first episode, we talk to Shanon Peeters. She is a consultant for Guidehouse and advises companies on sustainability and the green energy transition.

  • Radi8 x HOIS: Tina

    09/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    In this new mini-project, Radi8Radio and Humans of IS decided to collaborate and provide stories and experiences from our peers! Humans of IS has been conducting interviews with students from IS about their struggles, passions and dreams. In today's episode, Radi8 has the chance to elaborate on Tina's experiences of coming to the Netherlands. Be ready for an open chat with Tina where she discusses the interesting and difficult process of leaving your home country and adjusting to your host country.  If you are curious about the original interview with Tina, check out Humans of IS on instagram: @humansofis Tina's favourite song featured in this episode: "Deng" by Mahya Hamedi  https://open.spotify.com/track/2n4LuAhphYk4TO7A9aUNoV?si=_QDPQ9HfRQS3vy2qE-zqWA&utm_source=copy-link 

  • In Retrospect - Episode 7: US Midterms & Trump's Grand Old Party (Interview with Dr. G.H.J. Baarssen)

    24/06/2022 Duration: 01h16min

    This episode of In Retrospect will be an early episode on the US midterm elections at the end of this year. We especially want to focus on the developments in the Republican Party and the rise of Trumpism in the party. Ever since Donald Trump won the Republican primary elections in the runup to the 2016 presidential elections, he has slowly taken grip on every aspect of the Republican Party. It is getting harder and harder to voice opposing opinions in the party, forcing most Republicans to continue defending the ‘Big Lie’ that the 2020 presidential election was lost unfairly due to fraud at the voting process. During this episode we will discuss the impacts of Trumpism on the Republican Party, and on American democracy and its institutions as a whole. We relate this to the Midterm elections, and discuss the chances of Republican success during these elections.  We have interviewed Dr. G.H.J. Baarssen to discuss these topics with us. Dr. Baarssen is a lecturer at Leiden Univerisity, and teaches among oth

  • Code Red for Humanity - A Conversation with Leiden University Green Office

    25/05/2022 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, we are talking to Laura and Inaya from the Leiden University Green Office. We asked them what LUGO is all about, the interplay between institutional reform and individual action and what students can do to get involved! Things discussed in the episode: LUGO Website: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/green-office Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leidenuniversitygreenoffice Mare Article: https://www.mareonline.nl/en/background/never-mind-warm-sweaters/ Podcast Episode It’s not easy being green: Does our university invest in fossil fuels? https://open.spotify.com/episode/4H0bN8cMgb6wvxUlsCSFHd?si=3d5ff9fd5a5140dc LUGO Press: https://lugopress.nl/

  • The Now World x Amnesty - Episode 18: Human Rights & Technology w/ Together International

    16/05/2022 Duration: 57min

    In this episode, Elize Wolff sits down with Álvaro from Together International and Charlie from Amnesty to speak about technology and human rights. They speak about the organisation Together International, the development cooperation projects they have initiated all over the world, how technology can help propel human rights and how initiatives such as Open Source Intelligence can contribute to tackling the spread of disinformation. Tune into the discussion and find out what you can personally do to stop the spread of disinformation and contribute to an open, fair and transparent spread of information.  Join Together International's mission by sending an email to info@togetherinternational.eu or contact them through +316 22517746.  Host: Elize

  • In Retrospect - Episode 6: Putin's Ideology & Worldview (Interview with Dr. M.J. Frear)

    02/05/2022 Duration: 01h17min

    In this 6th episode of 'In Retrospect', your hosts Romeck and Tobias will interview Dr. M.J. Frear, professor of politics Russia & Eurasia. Dr. Frear is an expert on authoritarianism in this region, and recently published a book on the Belarusian leader Lukashenko. Today, we will interview Dr. Frear on another strongman in the region, Vladimir Putin. We will discuss his rise to power, which interests form his decision-making and which legacy he wants to leave behind, among many more questions. We will also take a close look at the ongoing invasion of neigbouring Ukraine, and how this relates back to his worldview.  If other listening, you have any remarks or suggestions based on the subjects discussed in this episode, please let us know! We are very interested to hear your take on the issues. Please let us know via our instagram (@radi8radio) or email us at radi8radio@basisthehague.nl.    (DISCLAIMER: We acknowledge that this interview covers a sensitive subject, and Radi8 Radio wants to p

  • Let's Talk - Episode 7: Upbringing & Personal Growth

    25/04/2022 Duration: 34min

    In this week's episode, the two hosts Matilda and Souki tackle the topic of upbringing, talking about family and friends and how these affect the person you are today. What is your personal bubble and how is it formed? Matilda and Souki will discuss questions of how your family and friends influence the way that you act, think and live. 

  • The Now World - Episode 17: French Elections Round 2 (Macron vs Le Pen)

    22/04/2022 Duration: 46min

    In this episode, Thomas and Debat writer, Elliot Underhill, meet again to give a postmortem on the first round of the French presidential election and what to expect in the second round. They discuss whether Macron's initial success can win him the presidency again, what would a Le Pen presidency mean for France and for Europe, and what happened in Lille? All this in more in this Election Watch series! If you are a French citizen, don't forget to vote on the 24th of April! Host: Thomas

  • The Now World - Episode 16: Uyghur Activism & the Uyghur Diaspora w/ Alerk Ablikim

    18/04/2022 Duration: 57min

    In this episode, Veerle & Elize speak with Alerk Ablikim, a 22-year-old Uyghur activist who was born in East Turkestan and fled to the Netherlands at the age of 8. We speak about his experience coming to the Netherlands, the situation in the west of China, and how the Uyghur diaspora in the Netherlands, as well as he personally, still experience intimidation and pressure from China's long arm even after having fled. We also extensively discuss what we can do to help the Uyghurs and other oppressed groups and the effectiveness of previous efforts. What can and should the Dutch government do to help the Uyghur community in the Netherlands? Can we explain the Dutch government's behavior towards China? What can we personally do to help the Uyghur community here and abroad? These questions and more will be answered in this interview.  Want to know more about what is actually going on with the Uyghurs in the west of China? Listen to Radi8Radio's podcast about the Uyghur Crisis and China's Foreign Policy wi

  • In Retrospect - Episode 5: Sport vs. Politics (When to boycott a sports event?)

    11/04/2022 Duration: 40min

    When is a country too "naughty" to host a sporting event? Is a boycott the best way to protest human rights abuses in the host country? What is sport diplomacy and does it work? The In Retrospect panel of Romeck, Lucrezia and Julian (joining online) will debate these questions and more in this newest episode. Guided by moderator Tobias, each will share their takes on the relation of sports and politics, and to what extend those are related. We are also very interested in knowing your take on the questions discussed in this latest podcast. Please let us know via or instagram (@radi8radio) or email us at radi8radio@basisthehague.nl Hosts: Tobias, Julian, Romeck & Lucrezia

  • The Now World - Episode 15: The French Elections

    08/04/2022 Duration: 38min

    In this episode, Thomas talks with Debat writer, Elliot Underhill about the upcoming French Presidential Election as part of The Now World's "Election Watch" series. They also talk about the expedition they did to Lille where they interviewed French voters about what issues they are most concerned about and who they will likely vote for. If you are a French citizen, don't forget to vote on the 10th and 24th of April! Host: Thomas

  • The Now World x Amnesty - Episode 14: Food Waste & Human Rights w/ Conscious Kitchen

    03/04/2022 Duration: 45min

    In this month's episode of the Radi8rRadio x Amnesty collaboration, we continue to focus on human rights but this time looking at their relation to food waste. Arno from Amnesty, Matthew from Radi8radio and the wonderful Martina from Conscious Kitchen give us great insights into the connections between food waste, eating habits and human rights, and their global impacts. We hope that this episode shows which first steps can be taken on an individual level, and how this can help on a global scale. You can follow @amnestythehague and @consciouskitchen on Instagram, and if you enjoyed this episode, you can also follow us and let us know at @radi8radio. Host: Matthew

  • Code Red for Humanity - Extinction Rebellion III: The Science w/ Dr. Tim Stacey

    28/03/2022 Duration: 43min

    In the last episode of our three-part part series on Extinction Rebellion, Lars interviews former International Studies politics lecturer and religious studies scholar Dr Timothy Stacey. They discuss Tim’s research on religion-like elements in the environmental movement, his personal involvement with XR and the importance of hope in times of climate crisis . Sources mentioned in the episode: Tim’s latest book (to be published in June 2022) https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/saving-liberalism-from-itself AltVisions Festival (Spring 2022) https://www.altvisions.org/ “Advice to Young People, as you Face Annihilation” by Roger Hallam. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xlEbMab_dRs4Wx3nESYT0bkFb2LluuBHjA9lOEyeWqY/edit “Extinction Rebellion - nothing matters to this doomsday cult” by Martin Muno https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-extinction-rebellion-nothing-matters-to-this-doomsday-cult/a-51355706 If you enjoyed this episode, you can follow us and let us know on Instagram at @radi8radio Hosts: Anne & Lars

  • Code Red for Humanity - Extinction Rebellion II: The Movement

    21/03/2022 Duration: 39min

    In our second episode about Extinction Rebellion we talk to Johnny, who's an active member here in the Hague. We ask him how civil disobedience leads to change, why XR demands net zero by 2025 and how a citizen’s assembly works. Disclaimer: Towards the end of the episode, Johnny mentions that the news story about the man that was not able to get to his dying parent because of an XR roadblock was staged. He told us that he knows this from a safe source. We recorded the episode two weeks before the release and Johnny has since tried to get in contact with the people involved in Bristol. We do not have confirmation yet but will update this description as soon as we do. Here’s a newspaper article on the topic: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7260773/Bristol-man-unable-father-died-Extinction-Rebellion-protest-traffic.html

  • Code Red for Humanity - Extinction Rebellion I: The People

    14/03/2022 Duration: 36min

    In the very first episode of our three part series on Extinction Rebellion we are focusing on the people. Who are the activists that join the movement? Why did they join it and what do they hope to achieve? Lars and Anne interviewed three different activists and asked them about their experience. This episode might change your mind on what typical XR rebels look and sound like. Links to the articles and videos mentioned in the episode:  https://www.volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achtergrond/hoe-volkskrant-journalist-mac-van-dinther-in-de-boeien-werd-geslagen-bij-een-extinction-rebellion-protest~b81ffa80/ https://www.volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achtergrond/haagse-politie-pakt-opnieuw-journalisten-op-bij-actie-van-extinction-rebellion~b7c35b3b/ Power to the People:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmxN90bKY0o&ab_channel=ExtinctionRebellionUK

  • The Now World - Episode 13: The Dutch Municipal Elections w/ PvdA Candidate Lennart Huurman

    11/03/2022 Duration: 36min

    In this episode, Thomas talks with PvdA candidate Lennart Huurman about the current issues facing The Hague as the city prepares to head to the poll next week. If you are a Dutch or EU citizen living in The Hague, don't forget to exercise your democratic right at the ballot box from March 14-16th!

  • The Now World x Amnesty - Episode 12: Toxic Positivity, Women's Rights & Technology

    08/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    In this first episode of a three-part series, Charlie, Anna and Elize discuss the dark sides of social media & toxic positivity. What is toxic positivity and what role does social media play in this? How are women structurally silenced on social media? What is the responsibility of social media platforms in this? How can social media help promote women's rights and increase awareness? All of these questions and more will be discussed in this episode.  Tune into their conversation about how social media is used to silence women & propel cycles of toxic positivity, but also has the potential of increasing representation.  Follow @amnestythehague & @letstalkaboutyes.leiden to stay updated on Amnesty's projects and the manifesto that will be signed on March 11th! And don't forget to follow this episode's guest @charlieisnotafraid to see the photos that accompanied the poem she recited at the start of the episode.  If you enjoyed this episode, you can let us know and send your thoughts a

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