Empowered Wellness Radio



On Empowered Wellness Radio, we're going to bring to you easy to do practices that will increase your vitality and decrease stress. Our mission is to introduce the concept of lifestyle as medicine, and we'll elaborate on this. We will also have guests who are doing amazing things in the health and wellness field right here in Hampton Roads. From nutritionists, to integrative medicine doctors, to fitness specialists, and even energy healers, so that you know where to turn when you need help.


  • The Power of Choice

    26/10/2019 Duration: 24min

    Science has confirmed that when we talk -- our subconscious listens. We are spreading the word on these important discoveries that have been brought to public awareness only recently, even though they have been known in the scientific world for quite some time. There are many simple things that we can do to dramatically improve the quality of our lives and in this episode we bring you a few.  Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at Empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com  

  • 101 Ways to Detoxify

    12/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    In this episode we discuss what you can do to detoxify, why is it important, how to do it and how you can maximize the effects of your existing detox protocol.  Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at Empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com

  • What is Functional Medicine? Our Guest Dr. Sinclair McCracken Explains

    29/09/2019 Duration: 20min

    Our guest Dr. Sinclair McCracken is a board certified Family Medicine Doctor and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, based in Newport News, VA. She discusses the current shift in modern medicine -- a long-overdue recognition of the importance of the holistic approach. You can find Dr. McCracken's contact information here https://www.ifm.org/practitioners/sinclair-mccracken-md/ Her  4-Part Workshop Series on Functional Medicine is available in a video format here https://www.vagaro.com/pointewellnesscenter/products

  • How Color Affects Us

    12/09/2019 Duration: 27min

    Color is all around us and we are often unaware of how it influences us on the subconscious level. In this episode we give you some tips on how to become more aware of its impact and how to use specific colors for enhancing your mood, changing your outlook or working through challenges.  Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at Empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com

  • Synchronicity

    14/08/2019 Duration: 25min

    What is synchronicity and how can it help you in your daily life? We explore this fascinating concept and provide a few examples to inspire you to think about your experiences in a different light. The author of the quote mentioned at the beginning of the show is Melissa Alvarez. Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at Empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com

  • Dreaming for Wellness

    03/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    How can dreams help us live better? We discuss ways to remember your dreams, ways to learn the hidden meaning of your dreams, and ways to increase your sense of empowerment, creativity, and confidence. We also discuss the concept of Lucid Dreaming, how you can do it and why you'd want to do it. Crystals mentioned are Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Apophyllite, Labradorite, Gold Sheen Obsidian, Amethyst, and Herkimer Diamond. Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com

  • Spirit Animals

    14/07/2019 Duration: 26min

    In this episode we talk about the concept of spirit animals, the predominance of spirit animals in our daily lives, how to connect with them. and in what ways can you receive messages for empowerment and healing from them. We offer personal examples to inspire you to think of yours as well.  Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com

  • Break Bad Habits So They Don't Break You -- Ergonomic Tips

    30/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    In this episode Jennie educates us on how to reduce the risks of musculo-skeletal disorders, lessen muscle fatigue and improve your overall wellbeing by making small but important changes in your daily habits. This includes how you carry your personal belongings, how you hold your phone, how you position your seat in the car and at your work desk and more . . .  For an individual session and a precise correction of your personal musculo-skeletal issues contact Jeannie at  jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com 

  • Teas for Wellness

    15/06/2019 Duration: 24min

    In today's episode we are talking about teas for wellness with the owner of Discover Teas, Mai-Anh Tran.  We discuss teas for specific issues as well as best teas for the hot days of summer. Visit https://www.discoverteas.com/ for all the information mentioned on the show and more!

  • The Best Morning Routines to Feel Energized and Uplifted

    02/06/2019 Duration: 24min

    In this episode we talk about what can help you get going in the morning to be more energized and uplifted, from preparing the night before to introducing small changes in how you begin your day. Even just one of these can make a big difference. Which ones are your favorites? Let us know! If you want Jeannie to make a morning crystal necklace or a bracelet for you, check out her offerings and contact her through here https://www.facebook.com/sanctuaryofhr/ To contact Brana for the Soul Blueprint astrology reading send an email to crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com or check the website for more information https://crystalcosmopolitan.com/astrology-crystal-readings/

  • Master Your Emotions: Being Triggered by Unprocessed Trauma

    20/05/2019 Duration: 25min

    In this episode we discuss: 1) What to do when someone around you is triggered by their unprocessed trauma 2) How to recognize if you still have unresolved trauma 3) How to deal with your emotions when you are feeling triggered 4) How to reclaim your personal power Jeannie also describes the power of the Body Memory Recall work that she does for her clients. For Body Memory Recall work email Jeannie at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com For Archetype Integration work go to https://www.universalenergywaves.com/archetype-integration/ and email Brana through the contact page https://www.universalenergywaves.com/contact/

  • Crystals for Traveling

    13/05/2019 Duration: 23min

    The theme of our episode is how wearing specific crystals will help you maintain your energy during a long trip and quickly recover from jet lag so you can enjoy your time away. We discuss the best stones to use for airplane travel as well as the best stones if you are traveling by car. The crystals mentioned are: Fluorite, Bloodstone (a type of Green Jasper with red dots), Carnelian, Citrine, Black Tourmaline, Moqui Marbles, Boji Stones, Tiger's Eye, Clear Quartz, Red Jasper, Mahogany Obsidian If you want to Jeannie to make a necklace or a bracelet for you, check out her offerings and contact her through here https://www.facebook.com/sanctuaryofhr/ You can place them all under water except Moqui Marbles and Boji Stones To contact Brana for classes on crystals and personal sessions send an email to crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com   

  • What Secrets Does Your Astrology Soul Blueprint Hold?

    06/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    In this episode we chat about the benefits of an astrology consultation, how it is different from what most people know about astrology, and how it can help you change your life for the better. We also wanted to talk about crystals but ran out of time, so more on crystals next time! To book a reading for yourself or your child (so you can discover how to better understand and nurture them) go here https://crystalcosmopolitan.com/astrology-crystal-readings/

  • Boosting the Immune System

    29/04/2019 Duration: 23min

    Today we'll talk about the types of foods, spices, and essential oils that boost the immune system. You will also learn about one easy practice that you can do daily, which is scientifically shown to minimize the occurrence of allergies and sinus infections. Make sure to do your own research on the pure, organic, therapeutic, and medicinal grade essential oils before deciding to use them internally. The research study mentioned in this episode is "Humming Greatly Increases Nasal Nitric Oxide" published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2002) The book mentioned in this episode is The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness by Andy and Jonathan Goldman (2017) Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com

  • Meditation Mantras Malas Crystals

    21/04/2019 Duration: 19min

    You may discover that using malas and mantras makes it easier to focus your mind in meditation. The word "Mala" means a string of beads used in various traditions during meditation or prayer. The word "Mantra" is a word or group of words that has psychological and spiritual significance. Jeannie explains how she creates and uses malas in her meditation practice, along with specific mantras. Using malas made with crystals enhances the energy and focus in specific ways, depending on the types of crystals used. To check out Jeannie's mala bracelet offerings, go here https://www.facebook.com/sanctuaryofhr/ Brana's Chakra Workshop Series begins April 30th at 7pm at Body Balance Studio in Williamsburg, VA  To register go here https://crystalcosmopolitan.com/balance-chakras-optimal-health-self-help-series/

  • A Few Things We Are Most Passionate About

    16/04/2019 Duration: 23min

    Today your hosts interview each other to find out what they are most passionate about, how they got their start in their journey, and how they can teach others to make their lives better.  What's the common thread? Our interest in empowering people to heal themselves, take good care of themselves and to learn to receive in order to have a more balanced life.  

  • Meditation for Your Personality Type and Releasing Stress From The Body

    09/04/2019 Duration: 18min

    Stress Release Techniques Part 2 We continue talking about the ways to release stress mentally through meditation.  There are different personality types that resonate with different types of meditation.  They are related to the Fire, Water, Earth and Air elements.  Which element are you? We can release stress from the body physically as well.  Learn about a system of the body that holds onto stress and how we can release stress in a physical way with specific techniques once we learn the reasons and the ways that the body develops these holding patterns. FMI contact Brana at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com  

  • How to Release Mental Stress through Guided Meditation

    01/04/2019 Duration: 12min

    How can we release accumulated stress from the mind and body from daily living with meditation and bodywork to live an empowered life? Our approach focuses on helping you to learn to release stress as it occurs rather than to "manage" stress, which implies that the stress is continually present. You don't have to live with stress, to hold on to it and to manage it. It is much healthier and easier to release it. Brana Mijatovic, Ph. D. explains stress release through different types of meditation techniques and invites you to try her meditation class at ***NEW LOCATION/NEW TIME IN WILLIAMSBURG *** BODY BALANCE STUDIO 370 McLaws Cir, Williamsburg, VA 23185 on Wednesday evenings 7:00 pm to 8:00pm.  You read more about it as well as order an MP3 recording of this type of meditation through this page www.crystalcosmopoliatn.com/meditation FMI contact her at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at empoweredwellnessradio@gma

  • Empowered Wellness Radio Ep 1 - The Podcast Trailer!

    07/03/2019 Duration: 03min

    Find out everything you need to know about Empowered Wellness Radio!  Email Brana directly at crystalcosmopolitan@gmail.com.  Email Jeannie directly at jeannie@sanctuaryofhr.com  or you may write to Empowered Wellness Radio at empoweredwellnessradio@gmail.com