


I'm a 24-year-old curious Finnish seeker of answers and challenger of traditional thoughts.Check my website out: http://rantteri.com/home/


  • Petterin tarina

    09/11/2020 Duration: 27min

    Petteri Rantamäen tarina, tekstimuodossa saman löytää: https://rantteri.com/petterin-tarina/

  • [67.] Surrounded by idiots

    27/05/2019 Duration: 08min

    Familiar feeling? To me, it was now and then. But that's because I thought that we're all similar and experience the world in a similar way. That's unfortunately false though. Original post: https://rantteri.com/surrounded-by-idiots/

  • [66.] Why I Don’t Want to Own a Car

    20/05/2019 Duration: 09min

    I haven't driven a car for a long time and I seem do be doing well without. In the future, the plan is to not invest in owning a car. The choice is mostly financial and ecological, with good examples to back up these reasons! Original post: https://rantteri.com/why-i-dont-want-to-own-a-car/

  • [65.] The One Thing I’m Embarrassed About in Finland

    13/05/2019 Duration: 11min

    I'm a young guy from Finland and mostly I'm proud of my home. There's one big negative trait though, which bothers me a lot. Why are we ruining all the merits we have, by being involved in something so idiotic? Original post: https://rantteri.com/the-one-thing-im-embarrassed-about-in-finland/

  • [64.] A World Without: Fashion

    06/05/2019 Duration: 10min

    I've always had a hateful relationship towards fashion. I just don't understand why we should stress about our clothing! When did people start to wear clothes? When did clothes turn into fashion? Original text: rantteri.com/a-world-without-fashion/

  • [63.] A World Without: Nations & Politics

    28/04/2019 Duration: 10min

    We are all citizens of Earth. During the 17th century, we for some reason decided to divide our planet into land areas so, that now we have a puzzle of 195 autonomous countries. What if we didn't have nations or politics? Would it be a better one? Original text: rantteri.com/a-world-without-nations-politics/

  • [62.] A World Without Religion, Countries & Money.

    22/04/2019 Duration: 07min

    The world is full of rules coming from physics, chemistry and biology. It's the base, upon which humans have established further "man-made concepts" upon. This is a topic that I'll be writing many texts about, so stay tuned! Imagine a world without: religion, countries, politics, money, business, fashion and more! Original text: rantteri.com/a-world-without-religion-countries-money/

  • [61.] Why is Voting Such a Pain?

    15/04/2019 Duration: 09min

    The parliamentary elections have sweeped over Finland! Politics hijacked all conversations and communication devices, bombarding everyone with propaganda - left to right. Year after year the amount of voters has decreased, and I have some ideas why. Original text: rantteri.com/why-is-voting-such-a-pain/

  • [60.] When You Lose it, You Have Nothing

    08/04/2019 Duration: 07min

    I haven't been sick in a long time, so this influenza really shocked my world. It's always humbling to realize how weak the human body is, when it's struck down to rest for a whole week. Original text: rantteri.com/when-you-lose-it-you-have-nothing

  • [59.] Escaping the Screens

    25/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    Lately I've realized just how much time I spend in front of various screens. My phone wakes me up in the morning, the television tells me the news and on the computer I do all of my work. That's an average of 14 hours of screens daily! Original text: rantteri.com/escaping-the-screens

  • [58.] Testing My Personality

    18/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    Last week at work we did the DiSC-analysis, which is really one of my personal favorites! I find it so interesting, how my personality has changed in only one year. The personal overview, strenghts & weaknesses, stress and personality type gave me great insight into myself! Original text: rantteri.com/testing-my-personality

  • [57.] Birthday Number 24, a Look Back

    11/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    I just turned 24! The 23rd year of my life was truly filled with experiences, events and challenges that really made this one a year to remember. As I'm turning older and the blog is turning one year old, it's good time to put a new chapter to "My Story". Original text: https://rantteri.com/birthday-number-24-a-look-back/

  • [56.] Fear the Public Opinion

    04/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    I've always been a reserved introvert, stressed about the public opinion. YouTube videos and my own blog were huge steps for me personally. Nowadays, I don't think about the public thoughts, prejudices or opinions much anymore. I do my own thing - for myself - by myself. Original text: https://rantteri.com/fear-the-public-opinion/