Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine



Gray Matters with Michael DeVine is a podcast that is dedicated to bringing people together instead of pulling us apart. We are stuck in a bad marriage with our politicians & who else but America's Counselor to guide us to where the answers are, the gray area of the in-between.. Feel like being part of the solution and bringing the country back together again? If so, grab a cold drink and join us in the gray


  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 88: It's Not You...It's Me: How To Not Mistake Your Emotions For Your Child's

    04/10/2021 Duration: 31min

    Let's face it...there is a lot going on in the world today and there are plenty of things to be anxious or upset about as a parent. But just because we are anxious or upset, doesn't mean your child has to be that way! Too many times in my office I have a parent calling me in a panic about how upset their child is about something or how worried they are...only to sit down with the child and find out that they really don't feel that way. To be effective as a parent we have to make sure that we are not projecting our own emotions on to our children. So how do we know when we are doing it? Tune in for today's show where we talk about the most common signs that we are projecting emotions on to others as well as how we can use mindfulness to back the train up and choose a more effective option. Listen in for tips that you can help you start making more intentional decisions as a parent right away

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 87: Reintegrating Kids Back Into In-Person School

    20/09/2021 Duration: 33min

    Near the top of the list of feedback that we received from parents were tips on how to help their kids reintegrate back into in-person classes. For this episode we discuss tips for dealing with their child's anxiety, lack of motivation, bad habits, electronics usage, atrophy of social skills, and lost time in preparing for college applicatiopns/jobs.

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 86: What Your Therapist Won't Tell You About Your Kids

    08/09/2021 Duration: 25min

    Have you ever really wondered what your counselor, psychologist, or therapist really thinks about the problems they see in their office? For the first episode in the new season listeners are treated to a rare opportunity to finally get an honest answer as to what their therapists really think of their kids addiction, anxiety, depression, and failure to launch issues.

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 85: Sports Psychology For The Locker Room Of America

    16/06/2020 Duration: 55min

    After watching the ESPN Documentary The Last Dance, I found myself amazed with how Phil Jackson was able to manage to keep all of those personalities and egos in check while simultaneously winning 6 NBA Championships. It got me thinking about how sports in general has always been a lightning rod for the civil rights movement and not the Black Lives Matter movements and somehow through all of those tense moments in our history and present...teams were able to operate at a high level and work together no matter what. If sports teams are able to do it why can't we find a way as a country to do the same? What is unique about sports teams and locker rooms that allow people even opposed to each other still find ways to work together? What is missing in our country that we can borrow from professional sports teams to help us do the same thing? To help us explore we invited renown sports psychologist Dr. Justin Anderson of Premier Sport Psychology onto the show. Dr Anderson has worked for years with professional and

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 84 (PT2): 2 Best Friends Have Their First "Real" Conversation About Race In America

    11/06/2020 Duration: 36min

    Part of getting older is being able to realize and admit that what you have been doing isn't working and being okay with not knowing how to fix it. That is the sum of how I have felt in the past few weeks watching America tear itself apart not only among party lines but alone racial and socioeconomic lines.I will admit that I have felt guilty recently over my view that being color-blind was the best way to deal with racial in-equality because it only has led to what we are seeing on TV and in our communities. I want to be part of the solution so for this special episode of Gray Matters, I invited a long time friend of the show and one of my best friends of over 22 years Leon Cradle into the studio to have a hard talk about race in America.More importantly we made sure that no question was left off the table and gave each other permission to be more blunt then we ever have before. Our hope is that by asking questions such as:What do white people not understand about racial inequality that they should?What is i

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 84 (PT1) : 2 Best Friends Have Their First "Real" Conversation About Race In America

    03/06/2020 Duration: 32min

    Part of getting older is being able to realize and admit that what you have been doing isn't working and being okay with not knowing how to fix it. That is the sum of how I have felt in the past few weeks watching America tear itself apart not only among party lines but alone racial and socioeconomic lines.I will admit that I have felt guilty recently over my view that being color-blind was the best way to deal with racial in-equality because it only has led to what we are seeing on TV and in our communities. I want to be part of the solution so for this special episode of Gray Matters, I invited a long time friend of the show and one of my best friends of over 22 years Leon Cradle into the studio to have a hard talk about race in America.More importantly we made sure that no question was left off the table and gave each other permission to be more blunt then we ever have before. Our hope is that by asking questions such as: What do white people not understand about racial inequality that they should?What is

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 83: Time For Politicians To Be The Parents In The Room Not The Cool Aunt & Uncles

    19/05/2020 Duration: 31min

    Let me see a show of many people here understand epidemiology and virology? Unless your name is Dan Evans you are not raising your hands right now because its freaking complicated. Which is why we need people we trust to give us the information we need and delivered in a way we can understand so we can make decisions that are best for us, our families, and our businesses.But therein lies the problem...Americans are split down largely party lines in their views of the Covid-19 shutdown and not surprisingly there is confusion over the most basic things such as should I send my child back to preschool? Should I open my business? Is it okay to visit my older parents? Nobody knows the right answers because Republicans can't acknowledge fault or any mistakes because Democrats will pounce on it and make Trump look bad and Democrats cannot acknowledge any positives because it will give political capital. So we have people we pay to work for us and protect us and when we need them to do their job the most

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 82: Spoiler or Savior? Using Psychology To Gain Support For 3rd Party Candidates

    14/05/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    How many times have you heard people say that we need a new independent 3rd political party to run for president and to keep the Democrats and Republicans in check? How many times have we had a 3rd party candidate and they get labeled a selfish pariah that siphoned votes and handed it to the other candidate?Exactly...we say that we want a 3rd party candidate but each time they run not enough people support them, their message doesn't change a damn thing, and they just end up causing more trouble then good. So we decided to dive into this topic by inviting our good friend Dr. Eric Larson host of the new podcast The Amash Files into the studio for a joint podcast episode to discuss his good friend Justin Amash running for president on the Libertarian ticket and to discuss the psychology or mental roadblocks that get in the way of people supporting a 3rd party candidate for president.We also interviewed 3 listeners from both sides of the spectrum to get their insights into their support or lack of support for a

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 81: Putting The Social Distancing & Liberate Movements Into Couples Counseling

    05/05/2020 Duration: 39min

    In case you didn't know it, America is pretty divided and not even a killer virus can make us get along. The latest couples spat is a brewing war between the Liberate America's Economy movement and the Social Distancing movement where apparently each side thinks the other's plans will end America as we know it. Not exactly a typical couples counseling session where parents disagree over where their kid should go to school?So what the hell do we do? Well for starters we need a different approach and a public debate where two people yelling at each other, not listening, and saying they are going to kill America is NOT the answer. So for this episode of Gray Matters we asked 3 simple questions to an epidemiologist, nurse, and a general contractor to not try to change their mind but to listen to them and get an understanding of what they believe about the shutdown, how they formed that opinion, and what they think about how politicized it it has become. Instead of being part of the problem and spreading fake ne

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 80: The Science of Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories

    21/04/2020 Duration: 01h17min

    So who is really behind the Covid-19 pandemic? Depending on what corners of the internet you live in, your answer might range from China, USA, Bill Gates, Democrats, Deep State, New World Order...hell I even saw theories placing the blame on Unicorns. Okay...maybe not Unicorns but you get the point. So we wouldn't be Gray Matters if we didn't at least look under the hood of the most widely circulated conspiracy theories on the interwebs and try to find a way to apply a scientific methodology to weeding out what theories had any factual or plausible basis. Helping us in our quest to find some truth we invited our good friend Big B from The Cave Crew Radio Show to help keep Bill and I honest. Instead of being part of the problem and spreading fake news, tune in to the one place you know isn't fake....Gray Matters Radio! As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts.

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 79: Staying Summit Strong During A Corona Virus Pandemic

    14/04/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    With so much attention in the media being about NYC's death toll and President Trump's perceived lack of action in January, many parts of this country that are being affected by Corona Virus are not getting the attention that they need. That is why we are dedicating our show the next few weeks into telling the stories that the news is just not covering. For this week, we invited our Colorado Snow For Life crew, onto the show to discuss what is happening out there in Summit Country. Joining us in The Gray is Founder Kevin Sayler, USA Junior Olympic Freestyle Skiing Coach Teddy Goggin, and Weston Back Country & Summit Country snow-boarding legend Zach GriffinWhat do our boys tell us? To put their plight in perspective, 7.7% of all hospitality jobs are in Colorado and their #2 employer is ski resorts, restaurants, and hotels. So when that industry is getting kicked in the mouth as a result of the shutdown, you don't have to be a social scientist to realize how dire the landscape might be in Colorado after al

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 78: What Will America 2.0's Economy Look Like After Corona Virus?

    08/04/2020 Duration: 01h22min

    You know you live in odd times when there is a worldwide deadly virus pandemic and most people you talk to in America are more worried about the economy then peoples lives. Its not to say people don't care about the virus, it just speaks volumes to the damage the quarantine has had on the global economy. So what will the economy look like in America 2.0? Depending on who you talk to its either going to be a economic wasteland or it will serve as a catalyst to finally address some major issues in our economy. So we wanted to get to the bottom of this debate and we do what any good American does when they don't don't have the answer...we go to our parents for the answer.Join us as we invite our long time economic and foreign policy correspondent Richard "The Professor" DeVine onto the show where we tap into his MBA in Operations plus his 30 years of manufacturing and supply-chain experience to help us understand what data we should look at to predict what the economy will look like after all of this. Instead of

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 77: Life From Inside The Corona Virus Hot Zone Of NYC

    01/04/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    We have all seen the horrific numbers and images that are coming out of New York City, which has become one of the major fronts in the battle against Corona Virus. It is absolutely sobering to watch the daily news and see images coming out of NYC that you typically would see coming out of a 3rd world war torn country. While much of the news coverage has been focused on the disease itself and the bursting at the seams hospital system, what has been missing is the psychological toll this outbreak is having on the citizens of NYC who aren't sick. What is their new reality and what is it like to watch all of this unfold right in front eyes? We enlisted our good friend Big B, co-host of The Cave Crew Radio Show who is currently living under stay at home orders in the heart of Queens New York to give us a blunt assessment of his new reality. Imagine living in the middle of the biggest Corona Virus hot zone in the world while trying to protect your family at the same time as also being in the top risk group for Coro

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 76: Is It Fair To Blame Trump For Hospital Supply Shortages W/Special Guest Healthcare Consultant Richard DeVine

    24/03/2020 Duration: 01h23min

    Is it fair to blame Trump for the supply shortages that our hospitals and healthcare workers are facing during this corona virus outbreak? To answer this question we invited our good friend Richard DeVine who is a 30 year veteran of the healthcare industry including being the SVP of Supply-Chain and Chief Resource Officer of Mount Carmel Healthcare System. So what did we learn from our guest? For one the supply shortage is a systemic issue that goes back to the 1980's and even if we knew 1 year ago about this pandemic, it would have been impossible to ramp up production to not have the shortages that we are experiencing. That being said our guest also said the military has had the inventory the entire time and should have been activated sooner.As always the answer is in The Gray so be sure to check out our latest podcast to make sure you understand why our doctors and nurses are in danger and based on our understanding of the real problems, are able to layout suggestions as to what needs to happen right now a

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 75: Keeping You & Your Family Sane During The Quarantine

    18/03/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    With the world going into lock down over #covid19, I have been asked by every one of my clients what they can do to stay sane during the quarantine as well as how they can help explain the gravity of the situation with their children without scaring them too much.It is not just my clients own daughter has been struggling to deal with her fear over the #coronavirus as well as how to deal with the fact that her mom and my wife is a nurse who is putting herself in harms way every day right now. There is no easy way to deal with any of this and if someone tells you they know exactly what to do they are full of shit.There is no handbook on what to do here so I am putting my counselor hat on and we are going to work through this together! For this special episode we decided to broadcast it live so we can take your questions live on Facebook and what else are we doing on a Tuesday evening during a quarantine?So write down any question you have and join America's Counselor & The Armcha

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 74: Concern Vs. Panic? An Important COVID-19 Update From Infectious Disease Researcher Dan Evans

    10/03/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    If you go on Facebook right now you will see posts from your friends that say you should be panicking and buying mass amounts of toilet paper or that its all a Democratic hoax to bring down Donald Trump. So what is the truth? Should we be be panicking or is it all a hoax?To get a real answer and the latest on the COVID-19 outbreak we invited our good friend infectious disease researcher & graduate student at University of Pittsburgh Dan Evans back to the show to set the record straight and to help us understand what information we should be paying attention to. What does Dan think? It begins with understanding that "we should be CONCERNED...not panicking" What does that will have to turn in to find out! Instead of being part of the problem and spreading fake news, tune in to the one place you know isn't fake....Gray Matters Radio! As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 73: How Bernie Can Beat The Democrats

    04/03/2020 Duration: 59min

    Just to get this out of the this post or better yet...actually watch my show before you message me on Twitter or Facebook! Don't do the Russian trolls job's for them and just read a headline and react! Now with that disclaimer out of the way...I am still here! I thought I was going to get attacked by angry Democrats this week but I survived and lived to craft another winning message for a candidate. Super Tuesday was a game changer for the race with Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar getting out of the race and putting their support behind Biden. The guy whose campaign that was left for dead last week is suddenly leading the delegate totals. Crazy I know!So what can Bernie do to win this primary? Well my first piece of advice is that maybe its time to listen to what moderates have been saying because as Super Tuesday's results clearly show now you have to win moderates to get this nomination. How does he do that? Well it begins with maybe listening to our guest who happens to be a former Bernie supporter

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 72 PT 2: How The Democrats Can Beat Bernie Sanders

    26/02/2020 Duration: 52min

    Perhaps one of the most frustrating things about the 2020 Election isn't Donald Trump Vs The Democrats, but more The Democrats Vs. The Democrats. Just watching the debates and the various campaign events it is abundantly clear the candidates do not have a clue how to appeal to anyone who is outside of their base. Too much time is spent talking at people with little forethought as to how those comments are coming across to the very people you are trying to convert. So we are taking it upon ourselves to do their job for them! This week's episode kicks off the first in a series of episodes aimed at laying out what each candidate needs to do to beat their opponents. What better way to do that then try to convince on the air & in real time a supporter of another candidate? For this weeks installment we are laying out the playbook for how the Democratic Party can beat Bernie Sanders and convert his supporters. Playing the role of Bernie Sanders supporter we invited Medium writer & lead singer of Tethra Davi

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 72 PT 1: How The Democrats Can Beat Bernie Sanders

    26/02/2020 Duration: 01h30s

    Perhaps one of the most frustrating things about the 2020 Election isn't Donald Trump Vs The Democrats, but more The Democrats Vs. The Democrats. Just watching the debates and the various campaign events it is abundantly clear the candidates do not have a clue how to appeal to anyone who is outside of their base. Too much time is spent talking at people with little forethought as to how those comments are coming across to the very people you are trying to convert. So we are taking it upon ourselves to do their job for them! This week's episode kicks off the first in a series of episodes aimed at laying out what each candidate needs to do to beat their opponents. What better way to do that then try to convince on the air & in real time a supporter of another candidate? For this weeks installment we are laying out the playbook for how the Democratic Party can beat Bernie Sanders and convert his supporters. Playing the role of Bernie Sanders supporter we invited Medium writer & lead singer of Tethra Davi

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 71: Which Political Party is The Most Hypocritical?

    18/02/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    This is a trick question and a psychological experiment from yours truly, America's Counselor! There is no correct answer to this question because Democrats and Republicans are both equally as hypocritical albeit it in different ways. So how did we get this way and is there any turning back?Chances are if you only read the headline then you are part of the 60% of people who only read headlines and will message me angry tweets or Facebook posts telling me how biased I am or a shill for one party thus setting yourself up as part of the problem. Obviously not a huge part of the problem, that dubious honor goes to the political parties themselves and the psychologists they hire to hack our psychology to their gain. But we do need to ask ourselves the question that if we know they aren't going to change and they are trying to use psychology against us...why are we making it easier on them and carrying out their plan to perfection? Divide and Conquer right? So join us as myself and co-host Bill "The Armchair QB" di

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