Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 83: Time For Politicians To Be The Parents In The Room Not The Cool Aunt & Uncles



Let me see a show of many people here understand epidemiology and virology? Unless your name is Dan Evans you are not raising your hands right now because its freaking complicated. Which is why we need people we trust to give us the information we need and delivered in a way we can understand so we can make decisions that are best for us, our families, and our businesses.But therein lies the problem...Americans are split down largely party lines in their views of the Covid-19 shutdown and not surprisingly there is confusion over the most basic things such as should I send my child back to preschool? Should I open my business? Is it okay to visit my older parents? Nobody knows the right answers because Republicans can't acknowledge fault or any mistakes because Democrats will pounce on it and make Trump look bad and Democrats cannot acknowledge any positives because it will give political capital. So we have people we pay to work for us and protect us and when we need them to do their job the most