Searching Within



Sharing my thoughts, perspective, lessons, and teachings from my own personal life experiences and influences from others such as friends, my life coach, social media influencers, and teachers of all kinds. Theres a lesson to learn from each moment. Lets keep our magic alive by searching within and sharing our light.


  • January 23rd, 2019 - Animal Guide Oracle Card Reading - Sloth

    23/01/2019 Duration: 31min

    This morning I drew the Sloth. Take a listen to hear how you can use Sloth to guide you through your day and life. Slow down, listen within, follow your dreams, pay attention to all perspectives, not just your immediate reaction. Best listened while getting ready in the morning, during your commute to work, or hell, whenever

  • First Podcast! Animal guide Oracle Card Reading for January 22, 2019

    22/01/2019 Duration: 19min

    I’m so excited about starting my podcast! In this first episode, I talk about the Animal Allies oracle cards I use daily for guidance in my every day life. Hear what card I pulled today and the symbolism behind it. The description I read comes from two sources. The poster pamphlet that comes with the Animal Allies oracle cards and a book called Llwellyn’s Little Book of Spirit Animals. I break down the meaning in my own words and relate to my life. I hope you find your own connection with our animal guide today!