Finding The Frothers



Finding the Frothers is a personal growth workshop x flow hacking session x high vibration conversation rolled into one. This show will teach you how high energy individuals (frothers) access peak performance in their daily lives. Who inspires them and how they connect with their heroes to become the best human they can be. The show is hosted by Benny Wallington, who froths on inspiring people to become conscious consumers through his company 101 Tokens. Last check, Benny had empowered over 11,000 people in 76 countries to change their habits. Part of this continued success is Benny's ability to find people who can make him and his community grow and this podcast is a literal translation of the magic in action.And of course - we're here to help you Find your Frothers as well. Be rude not too ;)


  • From Improv to Impact with Eran Thomson

    30/08/2020 Duration: 33min

    Once upon a time, two ex-ad humans sat down to yarn about how creativity is an integral part of frothing and doing good stuff in the world.  Eran Thomson is a speaker, director, creative, social entrepreneur, not to mention improv aficionado, and the word prolific comes to mind, as he seems to take all of this in his stride.  This jam ranges around the place from heart-centred memories existing in tokens left behind, to laughter being not only the best medicine, but also the best strategy for thriving humans in business.  Eran is a max chiller among the many professions and we chat about the inspiration that comes from our own sporting adventures with good humans, to drawing inspo from extreme sports athletes and business focused mentors alike.  If you're interested in improv, or how to engage in dare I say it, serial entrepreneurship, then guess what - they go hand in hand.   Eran is a genuinely wholesome human, so regardless of your frothy intention for listening to this episode, i'

  • Owning emotion & frothing through isolation with Darren Bruce

    28/06/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    One upon a time in Lockdown, two buddies decided to get together for a yarn about WTF was going on in the world and how we could come together to thrive in uncertain times... Darren Bruce is a mindset aficionado, elite performance coach, emotion specialist and most certainly a frother. He guides everyone from SAS troops to business power-couples and entrepreneurs looking to tap into the root causes of why and how they show up in the world. Uncovering their true purpose and magic in the process. In this frothy ep, we discuss: • The importance of finding your SAS troupe for group flow • Positivity/ froth for getting unstuck in times of isolation • How magic can drop in for all of us - if we believe it can. Personally I've gained so much from having Darren in my frothosphere and he's helped me through some tough times as well as explore maximising the positives in the good ones. I'm sure you'll get as much of a buzz out of this episode as I did. Yew If you want to connect with him seek him out on FB

  • Composting your Life & Unicorn Cake with Sara Rickards

    26/04/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Once upon a time... There was an interview that featured a worldly frother of the highest order. Fuckgiver by name, Fuckgiver by nature. Sara Rickards is at the forefront of rogue radness and neo-activism. Her previous life as a scientist and subsequent affinity with data has lead her through the nerd forest and into the hearts of all who get the privilege to hang with her. Some would say it's no longer the data that she seeks, but the hearta. Within this tale there is exploration of a call to arms (meaning more hugs) for how we can connect on a deeper level as humans, What sacred currencies could emerge out of this current pickle, How to sit in nature and ask big questions - like how to compost your life. With something for all, You'll find poetry with a double-ended dildo and a deep-dive into poo as a vital sauce of life. If unicorn cake is your jam or you've have been curious about how you can give more fucks, then this theatrical conversation is for you. If you're easily offended or

  • Buying back the rainforest with Dom Desmond

    25/04/2020 Duration: 39min

    Once upon a time there was a podcast Recorded well over a year ago... Long before the times of Covid, A podcast like no other. It brought forth a wise discussion between two longtime comrades who understood that Coke (both kinds) didn't buy happiness. With the epiphany under the utility belt of life they vowed not to put more shit out into the world. And... Their trade included such chapters as spray painting out the front of the actual Queen's house for disabled rights, saving endangered bird species' by hiding them in the worlds most popular game and teaching children to avoid the Brazilian drug war, the two amicably split way. Dom would go on to found a business destined to buy back rainforests and keep the world's feet warm and frothy at the same time. Listen on as they chuckle about their lives and mournfully mourn the death of one our planet's most famous activists. The 'said' mournfulness is actually chuckle-worthy too as that very activist is yet to die. Well played Dom and Benny. Well playe

  • Riding the Waves of Lyrical Activism with Billy Otto

    12/04/2020 Duration: 01h18s

    Billy Otto is a musician, activist, waterman, poet and all-round great human. Most recently he cowrote and performed the banger 'Can't take the Ocean out of me' in collaboration with Patagonia - proving to be a catalyst in the Fight for the Bite campaign. Which we won! Billy says he is an eternal learner and we discuss what it's like to be always hungry to sharpen the sword inside and outside the studio. Some additional frothy topics we jam on: • How to support independent artists through this tough period • Why loving your craft wins above all else • How to discover your frothy places in nature to super-charge your day. I mention in the episode that I have Billy's songs in my head a lot. It's one thing for music to make you smile, but to have your buddy in your head who brings such light and legendariness to our existence on the planet. Peaking with a grin from ear to ear. how's that for a not so hidden pun. Through Billy, I discovered that a conversation can be a superpower if you set your day up

  • Information ecology and kindred communities with Matt Kendall

    08/04/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Matty Kendall is one of Australia's leading strategists and thinkers and I'm stoked to share the wisdom that I get access to most days of the week with you fine listeners. He built his company Fromm after breaking away from the archaic advertising model with validation coming in the from of a viral blog post. We centre this discussion on the topic of sense making and cultivating a healthy, thriving information ecology. And if that sounds like jibberish, Matty will walk you through it/ more like tap dance your way through the garden. When we jam together we tend to build on each others insights and this chat is no different. In this dive down the Information rabbit hole and discuss: • The go-to sources for balanced info in unbalanced times • Why the time is now to prototype that idea - and how • Thy a Kindred community is what your world needs One of Matt's core abilities is to turn the English language into poetry and I hope you find many golden nuggets in among the conversation. We could speak f

  • The importance of pause, play and practice with Seb Berry

    06/04/2020 Duration: 49min

    Seb Berry is a frother from way back and has been pioneering doing good in business for over a decade. Better humans is his game with assisting people and businesses to be better with his agency of the future - Futurekind. He's worked with the likes of Unity Earth, Sumo Salad and most recently with the legends at Resilient Byron. The episode chomps on: • The art of pause for meaningful enquiry • The joy of adult play • Influential frothers in our emerging ecosystem Seb is a shining example of how to be and how to do at the same time. So much so that people bound across streets just to give him a hug. He's also part of the quartet of humans that I have the privilege to design the future with at We're interested in how we can show up best and invite others to do the same through a four week program we call Rise UP. We have no sponsors but if you'd like to check out Reunion and our current program - visit YEWW

  • Emergent online festivals with Dan Kurlapski

    23/03/2020 Duration: 52min

    Dan Kurlapski is a social entrepreneur, deep thinker and all-round frother. Founder of iMove Physiotherapy and the Yes & movement, we discuss new ways of doing, being and even hugging in strange times. With Dan's Yes & Festival having to shift from physical to digital we chat about what this looks like and how it's of use for anyone who may have to do the same. Plus an open invite to come play with us in a few weeks. Frothy Topics: • Holding space and psychological safety online • Why we don't need to be serious ever - play baby! • New ways to connect and practices to get involved today Dan thinks on his feet and has this freakish ability to take on new information, blaze a trail with it and then invite everyone else along for the ride. Engage the leap muscle and join us for said ride. Come play at and for more info on reunion visit

  • Hyper-realism & Daily Dance Rituals with Rob Campbell

    29/02/2020 Duration: 38min

    Rob Campbell is a maddog and as an ode to his legendary music skills I've dropped a few tracks into this episode. One was a feature of Rob's ripping New Years adventure and the other is from his band The Nights, who tick so many boxes for my ear holes: nostalgia, drive and froth to name a few. He's also a teacher, an entrepreneur and one of those guys you hang out with and instantly feel inspired and calm at the same time. Resonance and a radical ability to invite you into his mind, his cadence, one might say quantisation (Learnt that word from Rob). This ep may tickle ya C chord as we discuss: • Why you should boogie in the morning • Art as a common language for us all • How Rob plans to ignore the Dalai Lama Peddle to the metal band. YEW How to find Rob: FB The Nights - Spotify The Nights - Go for coffee with Rob at Rob and Vale's place -

  • Vitality, Originality And the Wisdom of Dogs with Amrit Sandhu

    04/02/2020 Duration: 31min

    Amrit Sandhu or Amrit Sand'Yew' has one of the world's leading smiles and is a meditation expert, global speaker, podcast host and legendary human. In this episode we get riffing on many ripping topics including: • How dogs are the ultimate Frothers • Speaking on and traveling the world stage • Universality, mysticism and meditation • Human Potential and how to break free It's also worth noting that one of Amrit's favourite frothers is also one of mine. Look out for that one as the Universe is vast, but good frothers tend to find each other amongst the madness. I highly recommend checking out Amrit's work and feeling the froth which emanates from his being. You can hear and see more Amrit at:

  • Turning Shit into Gold with Jessica Gale

    11/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    Jessica Gale is a whirlwind of awesome. Well a grounded whirlwind is more appropriate and you will discover why this is appropriate when you listen to her wisdom. She's a Chi Activator, Entrepreneur, Light Coach, an Authentic Lover of Life (Not instagram BS #liveyourbestlife) and a former radio personality from the 90's, that as you will hear, was wild and ran with the best of them. But! almost most importantly, she's a mate of mine, a Mator if you will. In this episode we unveil the magic on: • How to turn shit into gold • Farmers Markets being the nightclubs of the modern era • The real story about how Jesus got down to business • Running a successful garage sale without making money ;) This is golden. Strap yourself in and get ready for a ride. And I might be jumping the gun, but Jessica could be the biggest Frother I've had on the show so far! Frock yeah.

  • Finding the Frothers Workshop 'live' with Chandler Stevens

    09/12/2019 Duration: 34min

    This is an extra-special episode and actually a chance for you - my frothy listener - to have a crack at my Finding the Frothers Workshop. The Workshop is also known as 'How to have a beer with your heroes' and it will help you do just that! If you'd like to complete the workshop itself, you'll need a pen and a paper (or whatever you use as a pen and paper) and that's pretty much it. You will come away with the Frothers which will turbo-charge your purpose / mission and contact the people to get you there. And the legendary dude in the workshop - Chandler Stevens. A new buddy of mine who I met through the Baby Bathwater group. A bit about Chandler and what we discuss. • His work driving the connection between body and mind practice • How his movement as metaphor is getting "eery results", I'd say lairy ;) • Why Hate mail is f*cken awesome • One of the most powerful moustaches on the planet. Chandler knows which direction he's heading and now he knows who the Frothers are to take him there.

  • Mullets and Livin' La Vida Lairy with Rhyan Grant

    09/12/2019 Duration: 24min

    Strap yourself in Legends for Socceroo and my favourite mullet-wielding Frother Rhyan Grant. Rhyno, as he is affectionately known, is a humble larrikin and chiller from way back. Preferring reality over the potential trap that is professional sport, this conversation is really just a chinwag that Rhyan and I would have over a skewy at the pub. But, that's the whole point of podcasting in the first place ;) In this episode we jam on: • Getting a little lairy on the Gram - • How sport is an easy second to frothing (living it up) • Family as a source of fuel for success • Cross-code fanboying Rhyan likes to get amongst it and you could say it's football in the front, party in the back. A self-proclaimed 'Full-time Derrick' Get amongst the radness of Rhyan Grant. Connect with his froth: or @rhyangrant

  • Tackling Sugar and Rainbow Radness with Troy Douglas

    27/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    Troy is a dude with a drive that makes him an inspiring force to hang out with. Founder of one of Australia's fastest growing companies Nexba - Troy is kicking the likes of Classic Coca-Cola in the dick with his "Naturally Brave" alternative to sugar. Troy and I jam all things life and inspiration and for any budding or seasoned business professional this is a must listen. Some of the Nexba Level Topics are: • How to get infront of all the right people and bring them into your vision • Living and loving life as a rainbow family • Taking your brand global • How to say the word froth more times than Benny in a podcast - Troy now holds the record. I had to throw this quote in because listening back it's revolutionised my perspective on my role in business. As an entrepreneur "Your role can be to reinvent your role over and over again." Sometimes, when we hear golden information it's not the time for it to land. Something to think about for revisiting your favourite business books and otherwise. Frot

  • Office Athletics and Philosophy Froth with Bec Rowe

    17/11/2019 Duration: 24min

    Bec is a champion of the office athlete and the underdog. An authentic voice in the social space and a gem of a human. This episode was a bunch of fun, lots of laughs and also insights into the world of embodiment and how to transition into a frothier version of yourself. Some of the radical topics we cover are: • The power of 10 day silent retreats • How anyone can run a marathon with the right mindset • Bec's version of Vice Optimisation and traffic lights for success We also crank out a bit of philosophy and go on a journey to the future for a romantic philosophical conversation with two of the world's best thinkers/ frothers. PS. Frothers always autocorrects to brothers. In this case the computer is wise beyond its years. Enjoy brothers and sisters! How to connect with Bec's froth:

  • Connecting with Our Hearts and Our Balls with Seth Lawrence

    14/11/2019 Duration: 46min

    Seth Lawrence is a man on a journey: A creator of communities both online and offline, he spends much of his time working in the space of empowering and unlocking the potential of men. He runs Secret Mens Business and facilitates a wide-range of workshops from breathe work to sound healing and movement. We discuss the importance of Men's circles for the modern man and if you're on the fence an easy way into it. This episode dives into: - Rituals, ancestors and the power of circle. - Using the power of social media to manifest powerful connections - Focusing on relationships with oneself before the other. And because you listened today! We've thrown in a bonus breath work meditation, led by Seth himself. Check it, you won't regret it. How to connect with Seth:-

  • Superstar Frothing and the Wisdom of Travel with Chris Reynolds

    13/11/2019 Duration: 42min

    Chris is an on-the-go life optimisation specialist and world renowned podcast host who doesn't just move the needle - he gets shit done! Some of the topics we froth out on: • Inviting Frothers who have passed on to guide your future • The importance of real live vibes and human to human connection • How to motivate yourself with next level skin in the game I also love Chris's processes around Digital Nomading to ensure smooth transition / optimal froth. Chris is an inspiration to me and a glorious human. Enjoy friends. How to connect with Chris:

  • Farts, Open Hearts and a Hot Tub love machine with Rob Gronbeck

    12/11/2019 Duration: 24min

    Rob Gronbeck is an Aussie sports psychologist x Tetris Champion x Brain fanatic x Flow Aficionado. Founder of the Brain Room, Rob spends most of his time in a curious space between data and feeling, inspiring his clients and people across the country to do the same. This episode was shot live on site in a hot tub infinity pool among the California redwoods, just after we'd spent four days immersing ourselves with one of the biggest frothers on the planet - Jamie Wheal, Director of the Flow Genome Project. Rob and I became fast friends and this episode will allow you to pier into his mind and soul with a few ROFLcopoters launching along the way. We cover: - Experimentation and the power of 'Yes And.' - Mind Pushups and why we need more brain rooms over regular gyms. - Finding flow triggers and playing with them - Leaning into the unknown to uncover blindspots This is rad. You'll love Rob 'Sexy Bear' Gronbeck. Find out more about him at:

  • Music, Moments and Magical Melodies with Kid Francescoli

    11/11/2019 Duration: 32min

    Wow, Matheieu Hocine or better known as Kid Francescoli, this is an episode with feeling. We explore music, art, life, routine, magic and beautiful moments which can occur all the time if we allow them to. We talk about how our influencers and the frothers in our lives can change over time, but there are all time classic frothers that can trigger us to be and feel our best. Some of the bangers we discuss: • How an intern mindset can be the secret to success • Drawing strength from past frothers just before we drop into our flow • What it is to be a frontman or woman on any stage • How to pier into musical moments and find deeper connections with your heroes. There's a cheeky Daft Punk Alive 07' reference in there for anyone who was lucky to see that global tour. This is a cracking episode and close to, if not my favourite. Enjoy and I know you will love it. To access Matheiu's froth: Moon -

  • Friends, Trends and Finding your Fried Chicken with String Nguyen

    10/11/2019 Duration: 32min

    String is a multi-talented social media trailblazer. She's notably one of the first people to make Linkedin a channel where people could go beyond the suits and resumes and into a space of authenticity and frothiness. There's a lot of BS online and String's mentality of 'show don't tell; is a shining light on how we should show up on and off camera. In this episode we froth out on: • Why Chicken is a great hook even for vegans • What she's learnt after interviewing global top voices on how to lead • How her anchor froth is firmly rooted in Vietnamese influence • How impact and authenticity are cornerstones of good business and humans. I had a lot of fun with this conversation as String flips the microphone around and asks me some incisive questions on where the Australia and the world is heading. Round two is surely not too far away. To connect with String you can find her at: @stringstory

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