Finding The Frothers

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:29:09
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Finding the Frothers is a personal growth workshop x flow hacking session x high vibration conversation rolled into one. This show will teach you how high energy individuals (frothers) access peak performance in their daily lives. Who inspires them and how they connect with their heroes to become the best human they can be. The show is hosted by Benny Wallington, who froths on inspiring people to become conscious consumers through his company 101 Tokens. Last check, Benny had empowered over 11,000 people in 76 countries to change their habits. Part of this continued success is Benny's ability to find people who can make him and his community grow and this podcast is a literal translation of the magic in action.And of course - we're here to help you Find your Frothers as well. Be rude not too ;)


  • Pushing beyond happiness in business and family life with Trevor Chapman

    05/11/2019 Duration: 49min

    Trevor has been described as if Tim Ferriss and Elon Musk had a nephew it would be him. Quite a wrap and well-deserved given the radical accomplishments Trevor has achieved. A top rated podcast, at times beating the likes of T.Ferriss, partnering with some of the biggest names in Entrepreneurship and building relationships and companies that are redefining business :) But like many of our frothy episodes, this one is made super-special by the look into Trevor's personal life. How he's taken his upbringing and a true version of what it is to grind and allowed it to emanate out into his wife and the way they are bringing up their 5 children. To the point where Trevor's teenage son is on route to out-do Dad and Trevor couldn't think of anything better. I also love that Trevor's version of finding Frothers is the thing he attributes his success to. He's a well-travelled, well-lived and well, just a freak'n awesome dude, To use a Trevorism. Enjoy the radness! How to connect with his froth: https://www.lin

  • Champion Networking & Unleashing inner-Potential with Dave 'Pow' Tabain

    01/10/2019 Duration: 28min

    Dave's a dude, the first time we hung out together he dropped a workshop on me and offered up instant value. In fact, we discussed this podcast and how it was really just an idea with a bit of potential. Within the space of ten minutes we'd starting chatting about potential spinoffs. My kind of conversation and I hope this one is for you too! Dave's a 3x Kettle Bell World Champion, known 'round Australia as the challenge guy and has written multiple children's books that are changing the game to empower our next generation. Powerful conversation with a powerful dude.

  • 500 Miles to a Life of Joy with Michelle Sutherland

    13/08/2019 Duration: 37min

    Bondi Based Scozzie (Scottish Aussie) frother Michelle Sutherland is a ball of energy and one of the most beautiful souls I've ever met. She's not only a successful entrepreneur but a successful Lifepreneur meaning she grabs every opportunity, sees the lights through the cracks and sees future solutions to inspire the world. Grounded in her humble upbringing, Michelle knows the power of manifesting reality and we dive in on how things that may seem out of reach to most have been accessible through persistence and a belief that it's all turning out how it should. Michelle is also taking on Tinder and working out ways to support entrepreneurship in Nepal. Strap yourself in for a froth overload with Michelle Sutherland.

  • Ocean Froth and Global Activism with Tim Silverwood

    02/07/2019 Duration: 31min

    The man! Tim Silverwood founder of the 'Take 3 for the Sea' movement, has been working for over a decade in ocean conservation and is an all-round maddog. Hailing from the Central Coast (like me) he's always had a passion for the sea and has created a social media phenomenon and something that is firmly imprinted into my brain every time I walk up the beach after a surf - just take 3 pieces of plastic. I really loved this conversation and jamming out with Tim and hearing about the frothers in his life as well as the future frothers that he's inspiring. Enjoy!

  • The Future of Entrepreneurial Health with Ollie J Matthews

    03/06/2019 Duration: 41min

    Ollie J Matthews is a holistic health coach to the stars of the entrepreneurial world, he's a best selling author (The One Day Body Upgrade) and all-round rad dude. And my favourite thing about Ollie is that he doesn't just preach from behind the computer, he actually goes down into the trenches, visiting his clients in their home towns. When he gets there he asks them many questions - but the coolest one in my book is 'How do you have fun?' In this episode we talk about why it's important to go that extra step to get the results that highly successful people demand. We discuss out love for Manchester United and how we'll be working with them in 2020 - The manifestation is real. And also how Ollie has used adversity in his own life to transform both his own health and the health of others in the name of his father, who sadly passed away after working himself into an early grave. I always had a pipe-dream plan to cocreate workshops from my interviewees based on their answer to the 'ultimate workshop'

  • Congress, Combat & Centre Stage with Steven Kuhn

    28/05/2019 Duration: 35min

    Steven Eugene Kuhn is a decorated war veteran, adviser to the stars, entrepreneur and one of the most genuine blokes I've ever met. We discuss how he lives his life with absolute Honesty, Integrity & Transparency. AKA The HIT man. After first meeting with Steve then watching one of his FB lives on HIT, I changed a proposal in front of an executive board an hour before showtime. As a result I beamed through the whole thing. We dive into HIT, Steve's magic mornings ritual which I love and hear some phenomenal stories about how he finds new frothers and turns them into buds. We go deep on the battlefield, the importance of plant medicine and being serenaded by Mick Jagger. A frothy life from an ultimate FROTHER. Finding the Frothers Playlist: Connect with Steven: Facebook Website Connect with Benny: Website: Linkedin: https://au.linkedi

  • Raw Passion, Real Stories & Rare Lives with Aldo Soligno

    19/04/2019 Duration: 31min

    Aldo is a New York City based award-winning photographer and story-teller, we connected over 5 years ago working on this amazing project for people with rare diseases to lobby for their voices to be heard. Here's a short snippet of the work he does: Discussing a nine-month old baby that was going to be taken to soon. "The meeting I had with the family and mother was incredible. Usually when you are the parent of a little baby you are afraid of everything, you don't give your baby to strangers. The mother asked if you want to keep her in your arms for a while and I said yes of course. The mother said "She will live a really brief, short life, I'm sure any experience will be an amazing experience. So any experience I'm sure will be an amazing experience and for her to be held by someone else, to hear a different heart rate, could be a treat and a new experience. It was a mother who put a new experience in her babies life. It was a powerful experience." There is Inspiration everywhere. From someone

  • Beards, Brains & Collateral Beauty with Alex Brown

    10/04/2019 Duration: 29min

    Alex Brown is a Canadian born frother and pioneer to the modern day beard for men around the world. His business, The Beard Club is a viral success with 200+ million video views and over 10 million in revenue in their first year. As a result of this and grinding his way through his 20's across many fields of business and life experience, Alex now spends his time cruising the world in radical party shirts meeting radical people to help them learn and grow, while he does much of the same. We discuss the pivotal frothers in his life and how big a musical influence has been. Bands like the Beatles connect him to his past and continue to inspire his future and it's a beautiful thing to behold. We also take a look at Alex's close group of anchoring mentors and their habits and traits that have inspired many of his successes. Check out the links below for where to find everyone and everything from the discussion with a maestro. Finding the Frothers Playlist: Connect with Alex: Websi

  • How to be a Goddess, Superhero or both with Sam Lotus

    01/04/2019 Duration: 22min

    Sam Lotus is a whirlwind powerhouse presence, one of those humans that cruises into your life and you just think 'yes'. She's a social entrepreneur, coach and mentor who builds curated groups of gamechangers to take on global issues. She lives life with intention, is a hungry learner and enviable entrepreneur, building an impressive following online who seem to hang off her every word, with an ability to speak to the power of men and women in equal leaps and bounds. I love hanging out with her and learning from her about how to cultivate self-mastery and just smiling all the freaken time - it's beautiful. Enjoy frothers :) Finding the Frothers Playlist: Connect with Sam: Website: Instagram: Samantha Lotus: Connect with Benny: Website: Linkedin: Instagram:

  • Laughing through the pain and Idolising Beckham with Mitch Garling

    21/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    Mitch Garling is one of Australia's brightest upcoming Comedians and the first time I got to see him perform was after the wake of My Nan's funeral. Not something you would normally associate with funerals, but we unpack how comedy can be a powerful tool for froth in the face of death. Hearing this back made me feel really refreshed and even inspired to discuss and explore post-death healing and the tools and mindsets we can employ to not really get through, but embrace the tough times, in the way mitch has. This episode swings from our love of football, musical jams and new found love of the place we grew up and how the Central Coast of New South Wales is amazing. There's actually a lot of froth to be had on the Cenny Coast and I'm proud to be associated with some of the hellmen and women who originated there - more to come on this podcast. To Mitch's career, He's performed at most of the big fringe festivals and is a regular at the infamous comedy store, while also appearing in some rad short flicks in

  • Making Mentors into Friends with Mark Metry

    23/01/2019 Duration: 37min

    Mark is a champion level frother, who has gone through an awareness transformation exuding wisdom well beyond his years. He runs a successful AR VR business working with some of the biggest companies in the world, while interviewing some of the most inspiring people in the world on his Podcast Humans 2.0. Mark has a business rolodex that even a seasoned entrepreneur would be proud of. But way way way more important than that! He connects with mentors in a way that allows him to truly become their friends. This is the essence of finding frothers. We shouldn't be looking to stay fans with the people that can help us grow, we should be looking to become their friends. He is well aware of the value transfer that comes with friendship and this is a bangen' perspective for anyone looking to connect. I hope you froth as hard as I have about the lessons in this episode. Finding the Frothers Playlist: Connect with Mark: Website: VU

  • Triple J, Community Flow & Cutting the Bullshit with Elsa Silberstein

    23/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    Elsa is an absolute frother and to be speaking on the raddest radio station in Australia is a testament to her ability to transfer her energy and enthusiasm into our ears. Passionate about 'cutting the bullshit' and getting to the guts of a story, Elsa isn't afraid to shake up the space and her curiosity has led her to create multiple podcasts while juggling radio life. We discuss her love affair with brilliant journalistic frothers and the beauty in collective flow at live cultural events. Also touching on dropping into a state of comfort and unwavering vivaciousness by placing significant people around you - both physically and symbolically - shout to Bella! Such a frothy chat. Hope you love it. Finding the Frothers Playlist: Connect with Elsa: Website: Instagram: Triple J Unearthed: Connect with Benny: Website: https://www.bennywallingto

  • Anchoring into Pride & Pelican Froth with Brett Robbo

    23/01/2019 Duration: 25min

    Brett Robbo has been a true frother in my life for the past 18 months. A high performance trainer for elite athletes and mindset coach for elite thinkers, he inspires everyone through his passion for human potential and is on a mission to help 100's of thousands of people realise it. In this episode we discuss some of his favourite techniques for accessing peak performance and who and what gets him frothing for success. I've even got a cheeky clip he left me on my voicemail, expressing gratitude for connecting him with a frother friend of mine. It's the perfect start on this journey and we are absolutely frothing to have you with us. Finding the Frothers Playlist: Connect with Brett Robbo: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Connect with Benny: Website: Linkedin: Instagram:

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