Frances Fox

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 136:36:07
  • More information



Author and lecturer Frances Fox (Munich, Germany) is a world-renowned shaman, expert in alternative medicine, remote viewing and psychic researcher skilled in the abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance and telepathy. This means Frances can see, feel, hear and instantly know energies. She uses her skills to reveal unseen factors in business, health and family life, factors often hidden in other dimensions. The core of her skills come from her training in Tibet with a Bön shaman who practiced the oldest spiritual traditions of that region.


  • HOROSCOPOS 23-29 de septiembre, 2024 CAOS O CAMBIOS

    22/09/2024 Duration: 30min

    En este episodio, Frances Fox, conocida psíquica y visionaria, comparte sus reflexiones sobre las revelaciones globales que están ocurriendo y cómo afectan nuestras vidas. Frances habla sobre cómo las experiencias difíciles y traumáticas nos alinean con nuestra misión de vida y nos preparan para afrontar los tiempos de caos. Además, explora temas como los hechizos, la influencia de energías oscuras y cómo nuestros traumas no resueltos afectan nuestro bienestar. Acompaña a Frances mientras profundiza en la importancia de liberar bloqueos emocionales y energéticos para alcanzar una mayor claridad y propósito. INTRO 0:15 - 03:45 1. Aries 03:50 2. Tauro 05:24 3. Géminis 06:59 4. Cáncer 08:51 5. Leo 09:52 6. Virgo 12:27 7. Libra 13:58 8. Scorpio 15:07 9. Sagitario 16:31 10. Capricornio 18:16 11. Acuario 20:12 12. Piscis 21:46


    17/09/2024 Duration: 43min

    In this episode, psychic Frances Fox talks about how our intentions, especially the ones we're not even aware of, shape our reality—including big life events like death or assassination attempts. She shares personal stories and explains how deep, hidden intentions, often tied to past traumas, can influence the choices we make and the things that happen to us. Frances also explores how exhaustion, negative energy, and even black magic can impact our lives, and gives practical tips on how to take control of your subconscious intentions for a better outcome. MANTRA: Even though I’m afraid to be a master I love and accept myself.

  • HOROSCOPOS 16-22 de septiembre, 2024 Eclipse: ¿Como te afecta?

    15/09/2024 Duration: 33min

    En este episodio, Frances Fox, psíquica y experta en visión remota, comparte los horóscopos de la semana del 17 de septiembre, enfocándose en cómo el eclipse en Piscis impactará a cada signo. Frances nos habla sobre cómo liberarnos de energías negativas y resolver problemas antes de que el eclipse lo haga por nosotros. También toca temas como la magia negra, traumas pasados y la invasión de espíritus, y da tips para enfrentar estos retos y mejorar nuestro bienestar espiritual. INTRO 0:15 - 04:10 1. Aries 04:28 2. Tauro 05:34 3. Géminis 07:10 4. Cáncer 08:52 5. Leo 12:06 6. Virgo 14:02 7. Libra 15:12 8. Scorpio 17:08 9. Sagitario 18:34 10. Capricornio 20:22 11. Acuario 22:14 12. Piscis 23:50


    15/09/2024 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, Frances Fox talks about her experience with interspecies communication and dives into the reality of black magic and its influence on people’s lives. She shares personal stories, including learning from indigenous tribes and witnessing animal sacrifices used in rituals. Connecting these practices to current events, Frances explains how magic is used to shape reality and why intention is so powerful. She also talks about the importance of trusting your intuition and how you can create your own reality by using mantras and focused intention. MANTRA: Even though I’m afraid to be a master I love and accept myself ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:


    14/09/2024 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, Frances Fox talks about her unique experiences as a remote viewer and how she learned interspecies communication, even training with an indigenous tribe when she was younger. She breaks down some deep stuff, like how ancient rituals, including human and animal sacrifices, were tied to ETs who fed off emotional energy. Frances explains how these practices helped set strong intentions, especially for the Mayans. She also gets into why intentions are so important for creating the reality you want, healing past traumas, and growing spiritually. To wrap things up, she leads a calming mantra meditation to help release fear and negative energy. MANTRA: Even though I’m afraid I love and accept myself. ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:


    13/09/2024 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, Frances Fox, a psychic and remote viewer, talks about the importance of trusting your intuition, especially as the old ways of doing things are falling apart and we move into the Age of Aquarius. She explains how things like trauma and even black magic can block the good energy astrology sends your way, and dives into the astrological vibes around the upcoming political debate. Frances shares insights on how to stay grounded, stay calm, and focus on creating peace and prosperity in the middle of all the chaos. MANTRA: Please God help me with my intention to create miraculous peace and miraculous prosperity in the midst of chaos. ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:

  • HOROSCOPOS 9-15 de septiembre, 2024 ¿TIENES EL CORAZÓN ROTO?

    08/09/2024 Duration: 33min

    En este episodio, Frances Fox nos trae los horóscopos de la semana del 9 al 15 de septiembre de 2024. Se centra en el chakra del corazón y cómo los traumas del pasado pueden afectar nuestras relaciones y crecimiento personal. Frances menciona que los traumas de la infancia y los hechizos pueden bloquear la energía positiva de los planetas, impactando nuestras vidas profundamente. Con mantras y purificación, cada signo puede sanar su chakra del corazón y mejorar sus relaciones y bienestar emocional. Además, los oyentes reciben recomendaciones de mantras específicos para liberar estos traumas y alinearse con su verdadera misión. INTRO 0:15 - 04:50 1. Aries 04:56 2. Tauro 06:50 3. Géminis 06:26 4. Cáncer 08:22 5. Leo 10:18 6. Virgo 12:04 7. Libra 13:14 8. Scorpio 14:53 9. Sagitario 20:21 10. Capricornio 16:46 11. Acuario 23:07 12. Piscis 25:10


    08/09/2024 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, Frances Fox, a psychic and trained remote viewer, talks about black magic, the power of animal totems, and the spiritual energy shifts happening right now as we enter the Age of Aquarius. She explains how important it is to use mantras, heal from trauma, and focus your intentions to create the life you want. Frances also shares insights on recent elections, her work clearing negative energy in places like Venezuela, Mexico, and the U.S., and how staying connected to your purpose can help you thrive through chaos. MANTRA: Please God help us with our intention to have prosperity and stability in the midst of chaos. ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:


    08/09/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join Frances Fox in this episode as she chats about the superpowers we all have but often overlook, especially in Western cultures. She dives into how our surroundings influence our energy and intentions, even breaking down the symbolism on the U.S. dollar bill! Frances shares fascinating insights into our human energy systems and ancient metaphysical practices. Plus, she highlights the power of mantras and explores how mold might be more than just a household nuisance, offering tips to protect and improve your living space for better well-being. MANTRA: Please god help us with our intention to have miraculously estable elections with miraculously obvious results. ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:

  • HORÓSCOPOS 2-8 de septiembre, 2024 TU DINERO

    01/09/2024 Duration: 29min

    En este episodio, Frances Fox ofrece los horóscopos para la semana del 2 al 8 de septiembre de 2024, con un enfoque especial en el dinero y la prosperidad en medio de la transición de la Era de Piscis a la Era de Acuario. Frances destaca cómo la caída de las jerarquías tradicionales puede afectar instituciones financieras y organizaciones, instando a sus oyentes a alinearse con su misión próspera. Además, comparte mantras específicos para cada signo zodiacal, diseñados para ayudar a manejar mejor las finanzas y superar preocupaciones económicas en estos tiempos de cambio. INTRO 0:15 - 04:50 1. Aries 05:20 2. Tauro 06:40 3. Géminis 06:26 4. Cáncer 08:30 5. Leo 10:42 6. Virgo 11:54 7. Libra 14:34 8. Scorpio 17:42 9. Sagitario 18:24 10. Capricornio 20:40 11. Acuario 21:54 12. Piscis 23:40


    31/08/2024 Duration: 41min

    In this episode, Frances Fox delves into the hidden superpowers that all humans possess but are often denied or overlooked, especially in the Western world. She explores the significance of our environment, specifically how our spaces influence our energy and intentions. Frances discusses the symbolism on the U.S. dollar bill, the importance of understanding our human energy system, and the role of ancient metaphysical practices. She also emphasizes the power of mantras and the impact of mold as spiritual entities in our homes, offering insights on how to protect and enhance our living spaces for better overall well-being. MANTRA: Please god help us with our intention that the elections be miraculously fair and the results be miraculously obvious. ▶️ Stream TRILLING by Mateo Cuarón:

  • HORÓSCOPOS ¿Y ahora que? 26 de Agosto al 1 Septiembre, 2024

    25/08/2024 Duration: 26min

    En este episodio, Frances Fox presenta los horóscopos para la semana del 26 de agosto al 1 de septiembre de 2024, enfocándose en los cambios energéticos que están ocurriendo en el planeta. Frances destaca la importancia de estar alineado con la misión personal y cómo los cambios en las frecuencias afectarán a cada signo zodiacal. También aborda la necesidad de conexión con la naturaleza y la estabilización emocional, ofreciendo visualizaciones y mantras específicos para ayudar a enfrentar estos tiempos de transformación. Además, menciona la situación de México y la importancia de trabajar en conjunto para estabilizar la energía de la Tierra. INTRO 0:15 - 04:09 1. Aries 04:15 2. Tauro 05:38 3. Géminis 06:26 4. Cáncer 07:30 5. Leo 08:53 6. Virgo 10:32 7. Libra 11:22 8. Scorpio 12:38 9. Sagitario 14:12 10. Capricornio 16:46 11. Acuario 18:46 12. Piscis 20:50


    24/08/2024 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, Frances Fox discusses the lifting of the veils between dimensions and how it reveals new energetic realities, including the connection between the United States and Mexico's destinies. She explores the concept of hidden energy centers beneath the root chakra, often linked to traumatic experiences, and emphasizes the need for a shift from materialism to a deeper understanding of the spiritual and energetic forces at play. As we enter this new cycle on Earth, Frances highlights the importance of managing these energies collectively, suggesting that the future depends on our ability to integrate and balance these unseen influences. MANTRA: Please god help us with our intention to miraculously stabilize USA and Mexico by planting trees and placing glaciers. ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:


    23/08/2024 Duration: 43min

    In this episode, Frances Fox explores the profound influence of portals, energy fields, and the other dimensions on our daily lives. She discusses the significance of understanding these unseen forces, using examples like the detrimental effects of holding national events in energetically compromised locations. Frances also touches on the importance of spiritual and physical well-being, advocating for a deeper connection to the natural elements and telepathic communication with animals. Through personal experiences and wisdom from other dimensions, she emphasizes the need for mastering our own energies and intentions to diminish human suffering and navigate the complexities of our world. MANTRA: EVEN THOUGH I'M AFRAID TO BE A MASTER I LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF. ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:

  • Unlocking Hidden Energies: The Global Shift and the Power of Balanced Elements

    19/08/2024 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, Frances Fox delves into the profound impact of our environments on our lives, exploring how spaces and objects, like walls, can hold secrets and transfer energy. She discusses the current global rise in violence, attributing it to imbalances in the elemental forces, particularly fire. Frances emphasizes the importance of balancing these elements and reducing exposure to violent imagery to improve our well-being. The episode also highlights a surprising shift in global energies, with countries like Venezuela, Mexico, and the U.S. showing positive signs in other dimensions. Frances concludes with insights on how this shift could manifest in our physical world and the importance of letting go of past traumas to embrace this new, positive frequency. MANTRA: EVEN THOUGH I'M AFRAID TO BE A MASTER I LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF. ▶️ Stream Venezuela y la Paz by Mateo Cuarón:

  • HORÓSCOPOS 19 al 25 de Agosto, 2024

    18/08/2024 Duration: 33min

    En este episodio, Frances Fox comparte los horóscopos del 19 al 25 de agosto de 2024, destacando las energías positivas que están influyendo en Venezuela, México y Estados Unidos. Se analiza cómo estos países están alineándose con la energía del amor, con Venezuela mostrando avances notables en la sanación de un portal energético en el sur. Además, Frances ofrece predicciones específicas para cada signo zodiacal, donde resalta sorpresas positivas y cambios inesperados. INTRO 0:18 - 03:30 1. Aries 03:24 2. Tauro 04:10 3. Géminis 05:20 4. Cáncer 06:28 5. Leo 07:56 6. Virgo 08:44 7. Libra 10:12 8. Scorpio 12:18 9. Sagitario 13:58 10. Capricornio 15:00 11. Acuario 16:28 12. Piscis 17:52


    15/08/2024 Duration: 46min

    In this podcast, Frances Fox, a trained remote viewer, shares insights into the power of other dimensions, emphasizing that reality in the physical world is shaped by events in these dimensions. She discusses recent significant events, including an assassination attempt on Trump and technological issues during a public conversation between Trump and Elon Musk. Fox interprets these occurrences as part of a larger spiritual and energetic battle influencing global and national dynamics. She also explores topics like ancestral curses, the shifting energy of countries like Venezuela, and the interplay of different consciousnesses in shaping the future, all while stressing the importance of resolving dualities and moving towards collective unity. MANTRA: EVEN THOUGH I'M AFRAID TO BE A MASTER I LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF. ▶️ Stream PEACE by Mateo Cuarón:

  • Horóscopos 12 al 18 de Agosto, 2024 ¿Qué te quiere decir tu espíritu?

    11/08/2024 Duration: 30min

    En el último episodio, Frances Fox comparte los horóscopos de la semana del 12 al 19 de agosto de 2024, enfocándose en lo que el espíritu de cada signo quiere comunicar. Desde Aries hasta Piscis, Frances aborda temas como la autoestima, la preocupación, la necesidad de bajar el ritmo, y la importancia de ser honesto emocionalmente. También destaca la idea de que estamos en un proceso de ascensión, donde es crucial que cada signo escuche a su espíritu para navegar este período de cambios energéticos y emocionales. INTRO 0:21 - 03:30 1. Aries 03:42 2. Tauro 04:52 3. Géminis 06:26 4. Cáncer 08:16 5. Leo 10:16 6. Virgo 12:22 7. Libra 13:49 8. Scorpio 15:50 9. Sagitario 18:16 10. Capricornio 20:06 11. Acuario 21:10 12. Piscis 22:46

  • HOROSCOPOS 5 -11 de agosto, 2024

    04/08/2024 Duration: 43min

    En este podcast, Frances Fox, una psíquica conocida por su capacidad de visión remota y comunicación entre especies, ofrece horóscopos basados en su intuición y habilidades psíquicas, en lugar de la astrología tradicional. En esta edición, analiza cómo cada signo del zodiaco puede desbloquear su propia magia interna. Además, Frances Fox enfatiza la importancia de la evolución personal y la apertura a nuevas dimensiones, incluida la conexión con la familia galáctica. También habla sobre la importancia de la fe y la confianza en tiempos caóticos, destacando cómo estas cualidades pueden influir tanto en la vida personal como en el destino de países enteros. INTRO 0:05 - 01:42 1. Aries 01:44 2. Tauro 03:09 3. Géminis 6:22 4. Cáncer 08:54 5. Leo 15:30 6. Virgo 17:51 7. Libra 19:22 8. Scorpio 21:57 9. Sagitario 24:45 10. Capricornio 27:42 11. Acuario 29:04 12. Piscis 31:31


    03/08/2024 Duration: 37min

    In this podcast, Frances Fox, a trained remote viewer and clairvoyant, shares her unique abilities to perceive other dimensions and communicate with spirits, animals, and even inanimate objects. She discusses the intersection of shamanism and politics, describing her work with her group, the Manista Movement, in reducing the fire element in Washington D.C. during Trump’s impeachment trial to mitigate emotional violence. Fox elaborates on her efforts to facilitate a graceful transition of power in Venezuela by balancing elemental energies and applying spiritual protocols. She emphasizes the importance of addressing spiritual and energetic factors in political events and health issues, suggesting that unseen forces, such as spirits and parasites, significantly impact our world. Fox’s insights aim to guide listeners in integrating spiritual practices into their daily lives to achieve balance and harmony. MANTRA: Even though I’m afraid to be a master I love and accept myself. ▶️ Stream Solar Plexus Music by Mat

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