That's A Little Dramatic



Conversations about stuff, but mostly meandering thoughts.


  • 2024: The Worst Year


    We discuss the end of last year and the beginning of this year. In broad strokes, no details here. You want details? There are science podcasts for that.

  • A Completely Original Game


    It seems that we only record after or before a vacation. It's not that we vacation that much, we just don't record that often.

  • Shear Boredom


    Back on vacation! Maybe this is the only time we record, maybe we're just on vacation all the time? What's the difference, really?

  • Kazoo Procedure


    Back from vacation almost a year ago! But not really, we've just been living our lives and neglecting this here podcast.

  • Hotel Minnesota


    Journey with us through the intestines as Margaret workshops hip names for colonoscopies! Large Intestine Inspection anyone?

  • Vacation With Us


    It's your lucky day. Not only do you get to listen to the fresh, cacophony of our voices, but you get to be on vacation with us too! Hooray for you! Now with extra fires.

  • A Serious Podcast


    Margaret is back in the house, still trying to force people to name their favorite things even though nobody can actually do that because it is not fair to the non-favorite things. Think of the things. Also jobs.

  • Zoom. The Return.


    We join Margaret over Zoom and then lose her, then back to Zoom for an interesting and personal conversation.

  • Is That Our Podcast In There?


    Another episode? Why are we making so many after so much time away? Don't ask questions, just listen.

  • Surgical Books on Tape


    A long, serious episode made while Margaret prepares for an upcoming surgery. We're sure it will go better than this podcast. Is it me? Am I the...? Nah.

  • Episode 13: Life is a Slippery Crutch


    We return for a new season or series or chapter or...well, we're back. Sorry.

  • Episode 12: Family Dinner


    Join us as we try something new, complete with recording mishaps and eating lettuce. Sponsored by Iceberg Lettuce.

  • Episode 11: You Look Tired


    We're back, but for how long? Just kidding, we will always be here. Randomly.

  • Episode 10: Podcast On Fire


    We all take turns interviewing ourselves like we haven't seen each other in a while. Maybe we haven't. Maybe we have.

  • Episode 9: Moo Landing


    Play along! Quite literally. Listen for a while and use your detective skills, then return to the beginning and press play. Then bask in the glorious Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz experience! Ha. Lol, probably not but we tried :)

  • Episode 8: Crunch Time


    We take time out of our busy schedules to eat loud, crunchy snacks in front of a microphone and talk about herbicide.

  • Episode 7: Not Season 2


    We also welcome house guest Lilli the cat and talk about love quizzes that are totally not from Cosmo...

  • Episode 5: Do You Even Like Pineapple?


    Also included: 2 Margaret interventions!

  • Episode 4.75: Bonus: More Bryce


    In Episode 4, we welcomed Bryce to the show, but really never formally introduced him. This time, in our first bonus episode, we almost formally introduce Bryce. Maybe.

  • Episode 4: Sibling Vortex


    In this very special episode, Camille restructures the organization in favor of positivity...unless emerald ash borers are involved. We also welcome a very special guest and discuss some very special app ideas that you had better not steal. You are very special to us.

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