Living Magic



Ongoing thoughts on success, happiness and fulfillment.


  • Keys to Wellbeing from Mystics and Scientists


    Listen to the audio version here. This Saturday on 2nd June I�??ll be running a workshop at the Cornerstone Community Centre Keys to Wellbeing from Mystics and Scientists. I hope you can come along. On the face of it, what would a 13th century Sufi poet like Rumi or the teller of an ancient myth know [...]

  • Going Beyond Imagined Limits


    Listen to the podcast of this here. I thought I�??d have a go at the Sussex Beacon half marathon in Brighton next weekend. Some good reasons not to do it: 1. It�??s on a Sunday morning in February 2. Thirteen miles is quite a long way 3. You don�??t get paid or receive a big prize for your efforts. So [...]

  • The Power of Habits


    Listen to the podcast of this here How can some people attain long term goals whether it’s being healthy, keeping their finances in order, or completing a big project without seeming to try? The answer is habits. Rather than focussing on an outcome, it can sometimes be more useful, easier and more fun to stop thinking [...]