Taken By The Redcoats: Victorian Bdsm Erotica

  • Author: Anna Austin
  • Publisher: Boruma Publishing
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When chance brings two handsome officers to her home, Cordelia is thrilled--she senses romance in the air.

But romance is not what the wicked Captain Allard desires, nor his fellow officer. Innocent Cordelia soon finds herself in a sinful world of pleasure and pain, and gives into her darkest fantasies and desires.

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

Before I could speak, he was on me, his hands encircling my waist, his lips pressed against mine. For a moment my body stiffened, but then I relaxed into his embrace. His lips were soft but firm against my own, and his breath tasted of wine. 

The kiss lasted for several minutes, something I had not even know was possible. Oh, I had kissed a few boys before, at dances and at balls. But they were fleeting and awkward, little more than pecks. Captain Allard was a man who knew how to kiss. His tongue probed my mouth and brushed against my own. A shudder of excitement ran through my body, and my stomach felt warm. Finally, he broke the kiss.

"Have you ever been kissed like that before Cordelia?"

Mutely, I shook my head. I seemed to have lost the power of speech.

"Then let's try it again, shall we?"

This time, he pulled her closer as he kissed me, his hands reaching under my cloak to rest lightly on my hips. This kiss was even more passionate than the last, his tongue lashing against mine with frenzied abandon. Already, I had let him go further than I had intended, but still I did not pull away. My animal instincts were roused, and I wanted more. Even so, I was unprepared for what was about to unfold.