Teoria Do Tudo: Via Metafísica

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Current knowledge is in a dilemma between religion and science, or rather, between physics and metaphysics. All religions preach a metaphysical world and a Creator, but they use it as mythologies for this purpose. We have a mythological diversity on the one hand and metaphysical universality on the other. Science denies the metaphysical world, but all sciences use mathematics, a metaphysical instrument, in their methodology. We have a scientific diversity on the one hand and a metaphysical universality on the other. What unifies all religions is metaphysics. What unifies all sciences is metaphysics. Thus we have the unification of science and religion. From the point of view, we elaborated three premises - Creation, Evolution, Integration - systematizing the existing knowledge. Science preaches that blind frames move the universe without a purpose. As religions they preach a divine purpose, but based on blind faith. Our philosophical system is an alternative knowledge that eliminates blind cuts and blind faith.