No Apologies

No Apologies ep 309 A Deadpool Solo



With Gil on his way to Philadelphia and Juan living out his first year of his 30s . Darrell, Rafael, Daniel and Ck recorded No Apologies episode 309 . In it Darrell and Ck review Deadpool 2 Ck reviews Solo a Star Wars story. Movie casting news reviews of the season finale of Arrow the Flash and are we excited for Comic Television shows anymore. The Watchmen HBO show the finale of Lost why it seems only Evangeline Lily of Ant Man and the Wasp has anything going from the main cast of Lost . We talk comics , Social Justice Warriors . It's a short news filled and review episode of No Apologies. Enjoy Sponsors: Discount Comic Book Services Instock Trades This podcast is part of the TaylorNetwork which is a home to many great podcasts all available on taylornetwork feed on Itunes, stitcher radio and also google play