
Is New Brunswick Covering Up A Deadly Brain Disease?



There's a mystery disease that's plaguing people in New Brunswick. It starts with some muscle pain or spasms, before basic tasks like reading become impossible. For many, the disease progresses to full-blown dementia. For patients and families, government response has proven to be lackluster and desperation and frustration is taking hold as the search for answers drags on.Further reading:Whistleblower warns baffling illness affects growing number of young adults in Canadian province, Leyland Cecco, The GuardianNew Brunswick monitoring more than 40 cases of unknown neurological disease, CBC NewsN.B. health minister questions validity of mysterious neurological disease after report, Global NewsNew Brunswick's Mystery Disease: Why Did the Province Shut Out Federal Experts?, The WalrusNo longer a sure thing: Records show how N.B. investigation into mystery illness changed over time, CBC NewsHelp Gabrielle battle unknown neurological disease, GoFundMeSupport Canadaland at Zen