Feminist Wellness

Mega-Super-Awesome 200th Episode Podcast Giveaway!



My tender ravioli! We are celebrating 200 episodes of the Feminist Wellness Podcast and we’re doing a giveaway to mark the occasion! 1st prize: 50 min coaching session with me (holy wow!!) 2nd prize: I will record a personal pep talk just for you on the topic of your choosing! Struggling with boundaries? Want to boost your self-confidence? Anchor in you and ventral vagal? I’m on it! 3rd prize: A seat in the next Breathwork group - on the house! Our 200th episode is on Dec 15th and you’ve got until December 31st to enter. To get all the deets on how to enter, visit https://victoriaalbina.com/200giveaway/ Winners will be chosen at random and will be emailed in the new year and announced on the show