Empty Checking With Derek Brink

Episode 137 - I Am EVERYTHING. So... Probably Gonna Make a Lot of Scarves



In this long-overdue episode I talk about Boy Meet World, the related podcast Pod Meets World, music from Lou Reed, Wesley Willis, and Off, and a bunch of other stuff including the cats (you can hear McGuire meow!) and my newfound love of making stuff on a loom. It's kind of all over the place. And shorter than usual. What's not to love? Remember to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com and e-mail me at db@derekbrink.com with your thoughts and questions and stuff. Time index: 0:00 - Intro 2:51 - A little bit of wrestling talk, upon request. 7:34 - I weave scarves now. 12:27 - Remember Me 12:57 - Additional talk about the cats... 14:40 - Boy Meets World/Pod Meets World 23:09 - Being There 23:39 - Music 23:46 - Wesley Willis 29:59 - Lou Reed - Words & Music 33:12 - Off - Free LSD 36:20 - You and Your Perfect Life 36:50 - Outro