Comic Lab

Does this joke have the legs to become a running gag?



This week's show is sponsored by Dreamhost. If the implosion of Twitter has you wondering if you should finally build your own website, Dreamhost is there for you. With transparent pricing and a 100% uptime guarantee, they'll get you started on owning and controlling your work on the Web.Cartoonists Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar talk to a pro-am cartoonist who wants to build a running gag into their comic. But does the concept have legs? Also: Why does 3D art get dismissed as lazy?ON THIS WEEK'S SHOW...When does a joke have legs to become a running gag?3D art — is it "lazy"?UPDATE: More live talks!Balance in word balloonsHow do you learn from a failed KickstarterInstagram adds a second link to the bio!Today is a great time to bump up your ComicLab membership to the $10 tier! Patreon backers at that level will get exclusive access to livestream recording sessions — as well as an archive of previous livestreams!You get great rewards when you join the ComicLab Community on Patreon$2 — Early access to episodes$5 —