Let's Talk Near Death

Understanding the Dying Process with Dr. Peter Fenwick



Dr. Peter Fenwick is a neuropsychiatrist and world renown expert on end of life phenomena, including near-death experiences and deathbed visions. He is a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, and is a senior lecturer at King's College, London, where he worked as a consultant at the Institute of Psychiatry.  Dr. Fenwick's research looks into deathbed visions of the dying person, as well as the experiences of hospice and palliative care workers and relatives of dying people. Along with wife Elizabeth Fenwick, Peter is the author of multiple books, the latest being The Art of Dying which helps the dying, their loved ones and their health care workers better understand the dying process and to come to terms with death itself. Find Peter's book The Art of Dying at: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Dying-Peter-Fenwick/dp/0826499236/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Peter+Fenwick&qid=1668373604&s=books&sr=1-5