My Business On Purpose

613: Is A Recession Coming In 2023?



The priority of our work is to liberate business owners from chaos, and most of those business owners have between 2 and 50 employees. We get the question often, “are we in a recession?” Our response is usually the same, “does it matter?” Seriously, in your day to day life does it matter? Over the last two years, I have watched some moments of real irony.  We obsess over downturns in the market, a decline in business, and recessions or depressions. Just last week, anyone who had money invested in the crypto-currency exchange FTX (some reports put that figure around $1.8 Bn) lost it all.   $1.8 billion…poof. Was that a product of a recession, or recession like market movements?   No.  It was a problem of poor management and leadership. Throughout 2020 and 2021 the market was red-lining at high RPMs and many businesses had converted their business development and outbound sales departments into order takers trying to handle the inbound demand from a flood of cash pumped into the market now being spent on new ho