My Business On Purpose

616: Three Reasons You Should Write An Annual Letter



We are 6 weeks from the end of the year. What does your team need to hear from you as you finish it out? Well, let’s talk about that today. Happy Monday y’all, Thomas Joyner with Business on Purpose here. We spent hours last week running what we call Prep Week with every one of our clients. Making sure they were focused on the things that matter heading into 2023!  We got all kinds of feedback, from “Yes, we needed that.” to “It’s so crazy, it’s already time for these discussions,” to even “Man, I’m really excited for next year!” And all of those statements are true. What we’ve realized is if we don’t plan intentional time in the year for some of these conversations, they sneak up on us and they get rushed or worse, never happen. The same can be said for your Annual letter. Many times, we realize we’re two weeks out from the end of the year, so we rush it and lose much of its impact. We write down a few thoughts that have little meaning, print it out, sign our name at the bottom and send it out. But that’s su