Visual Revolutionary

Episode #193: Platon / Photographer



On this episode of the podcast I'm joined by renowed photographer Platon for a beautiful conversation ranging from the current state of photography to affecting social change and the need for creatives to come forward and tell the story of what's around them.  Platon has had a legendary career shooting compelling portaits of some of the most powerful world leaders and celebrity figures, as well as NGO work to tell the story of those figures who have had power taken from them.  During our converstion he talks about what it was like growing up in Greece as the son of an architect and art historian and the difficult move to London that would soon have him on his way to studying graphic design and finally picking up a Hassleblad camera that would one day become synonymis with his work.  We also talk about the muse and how he tunes into the energy of his subjects in a portait session, how you never get to a point in your career where you stop questioning your right to be there, and the advice he gives to others co