Words You Never Heard

Did You Know Only Male Turkeys Gobble?



Well, we’re leaving the goblin season and entering the gobbler season! Did you know only male turkeys (or toms) gobble? Females (or hens) make a clicking noise.  The heaviest turkey on record was raised in England and weighed 86 pounds! Hey ladies, if you’re tired of cooking Thanksgiving dinner every year, you might try to get your guy to barbeque or deep fry a turkey.  This involves danger and men love danger. What’s a word for a male cook? A bobachee!   Other countries such as  Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Canada, and more celebrate Turkey Day.  Ironically the country of Turkey doesn’t.  One thing’s for sure, at my house my sons always fight over who gets the wishbone.  What’s a word for stealing food from another person?  Leptobiosis!