Entrearchitect Podcast With Mark R. Lepage

EA108: 4 Steps for Changing the Architect’s Mindset on Money [Podcast]



With a twisted sense of pride, too many architects today accept the small firm stereotype of starving artist . Seeds planted in architecture school bloom into a full-on virus as professionals launch their own firms and find their way to small business. New firms are launched every day without proper planning, without an understanding of basic business fundamentals and often with an eager acceptance that life as an architect will be a difficult struggle. Even my choice of Architect as a career was based on my naive understanding of the profession. At the age of 10, I chose architecture for my career path because, Artists don't make enough money. Architecture is a profession like law and medicine. Architects are rich. As I entered architecture school, it happened too quickly. Within days of starting first-year studio, I began to hear the stories. Architecture is not about the money. We change the world through our art. You must love the art, because you will never make enough money as an architect. Do