Absolute Trust Talk

098: What Are the Top Ten (Plus) Estate Planning Myths?



Considering what might potentially hang in the balance, logic would suggest that when it comes time to prepare an estate plan, nearly all of us would stick to a “just the facts” approach, steering clear of secondhand and ill-conceived advice from friends or flat-out inaccurate information that’s been handed down from generation to generation. But let’s be honest, estate planning can have its complexities and be confusing, so often, the information we have from our peers might be all we have. The problem is, when it comes time to put an estate plan into action, it’s usually too late for do-overs. And, if that estate plan is built on faulty information or incomplete follow-through, the financial consequences can be substantial — even life-changing. Hard-earned assets that don’t end up going to the intended beneficiaries, unintentional and seemingly harmless missteps that can result in legal action, and even woefully inadequate medical provisions at a point in life where they’re needed the most. We totally under