Ifg Events Podcast

Data Bites #35: Getting things done with data in government



Better use of data is key to more effective government. Across government, teams are doing fascinating work with data. But those projects don’t get the attention they deserve.   At this month's event, the 35th in our series, the speakers presented their work in an exciting, quickfire format. Each speaker had eight minutes, followed by eight minutes of questions from the audience.   This month's speakers were:  Carlos Ahumada, Public Policy Manager Data for Good at Meta, on Meta’s support to crisis response and policymaking through innovative data-based tools Niovi Karathodorou, Senior Data Scientist at the Office for National Statistics Data Science Campus Dr Alan Roberts, Head of Emerging Risks in the Cabinet Office, on blending data analysis with expert judgement to build a country stability index Donna Lyndsay, Strategic Market Lead – Environment & Sustainability at Ordnance Survey The event was chaired by Gavin Freeguard, Associate at the Institute for Government. Find out more about Data Bites: http