Indefensible Ink

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Part One



Before this episode, Justin had never seen Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice before. Zach decided to do something about it. Join the Brothers Zyduck as they dive into the THREE-HOUR "Ultimate Edition" of Zack (no relation) Snyder's dark, divisive superhero team-up film. Along the way, they'll discuss highly unintuitive ways to frame Kryptonians for murder, the nihilism of Perry White, and Alfred the butler's grandmotherly sense of disapproval. But mostly, Justin and Zach complain about the plot not making a lot of sense even in extended cut format. It's a movie so big (Did we mention this version is THREE HOURS LONG?!) it has to be split in two!  Discussed: The first 90 minutes or so of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) (Ultimate Edition), directed by Zack Snyder, starring Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, and SENATOR HOLLY HUNTER. (Zach Zyduck is sitting in for regular co-host Ryan McClure, temporarily on hiatus.)