Indefensible Ink

Marvel's Team America



We’re on the highway to obscurity, as today’s episode of Indefensible Ink covers Marvel Comics’ motorcycle-based supergroup Team America (no, not the Team America with puppet sex)! When a mysterious psychic connection brings together a disowned rich kid with daddy issues, a freelance spy, and an angry loner, they do the logical thing and...form a motorcycle racing team? (Team America!) Along the way, they clash with Hydra, the world’s most generic hitman, and some vaguely circus-themed villains, with a little help from an anonymous, enigmatic rider in black, the Marauder! Is it possible that a hastily slapped-together comic meant to cash in on an ill-fated Evel Knievel toyline is secretly an unheralded masterpiece? (Probably not!) Also in this episode: Hydra’s poor personnel decisions and even worse planning, R.U. Reddy is definitely not ready to rock, and Justin reveals the surefire formula to solving any mystery. Discussed in this episode: Team America #1–4 (1982).