Indefensible Ink

Marvel's Star Wars: New Planets, New Perils!



Picture this: It's 1978, you're working on the insanely popular Star Wars comic book for Marvel, and you've just finished adapting the hit film. Now you've got to write a new Star Wars story, but here's the problem: at this point in history, there is zero precedent for what a "Star Wars story" looks like outside of the first movie. This is the challenge Roy Thomas, Howard Chaykin, and their collaborators found themselves faced with in producing some of the first post-A New Hope Star Wars material ever published, and that's what Ryan, Justin, and returning special guest Jerome Knox are going to grapple with on this year's Star Wars Day. Featuring the infamous Jaxxon (a man-sized carnivorous green rabbit), this arc of Marvel's Star Wars comic sees Han Solo and Chewbacca get drawn into a pseudo-adaptation of Seven Samurai on the Wild West-ish world of Aduba-3 as they have to fight...a giant kaiju and a stand-in for a beloved MAD Magazine artist? This may be the last Star Wars-related podcast you will ever listen