Indefensible Ink

Captain Marvel by Peter David and ChrisCross



In the year 2000, the comic book Captain Marvel belonged to Genis-Vell, a novice superhero trying to to live up to his father's name and keep up the momentum gained by his appearances in the popular Avengers Forever series. But series writer Peter David may have been more interested in chronicling the sitcom antics of Genis' odd-couple partner, longtime Hulk supporting character Rick Jones. David and artist ChrisCross' Captain Marvel (vol. 4) is fondly remembered by fans as a great series cut down in its prime, but does it hold up? Genis is headed back to comic store shelves this month in a new miniseries, and to mark the occasion, regular host Justin Zyduck and guest Jim Cannon revisit the original.  Also discussed in this episode: PAD's possible similarities with Garth Merenghi, an unnecessarily elaborate scheme involving the Wendigo, a potshot at Wild Wild West that's taken on a strange resonance 22 years later, angling for Tom Brevoort's job, and the unsettling possibility that Bill Jemas might have been