Indefensible Ink

Justice League of America: The 1997 Television Pilot



There were dozens of TV shows trying to replicate the success of Friends in the late '90s, but only one of them was trying to do so with superheroes. If you're wondering how they could have made a Justice League movie on a television budget at the end of last century, the answer is "very inexpensively" and "with M*A*S*H's David Ogden Stiers in green makeup." Justin discusses the failed pilot of for a Justice League of America pseudo-sitcom and why it was doomed to be what celebrated comics writer Mark Waid may or may not have called "80 minutes of my life I'll never get back." Also discussed in this episode: An overview of the '90s superhero adaptation landscape, the sinister charm of Special Guest Star Miguel Ferrer, and the viability of the voice of the Cryptkeeper as a romantic lead.