Nourish Noshes

Interview with KC Sullivan of Two River Mushrooms



Meet KC Sullivan, owner/founder of Two River Gourmet Organic Mushrooms. In this podcast we learn all about the wonders of mushrooms, including a future that uses mushrooms for things not food-related! Fascinating information that will make your mouth water and motivate you to go get some of his mushrooms to include in your next meal! KC is a graduate of Stockton State University with degrees in Environmental and Marine Sciences. He worked for an Environmental Consulting Service before going back to school for education at Georgian Court University. For the past 16 years, he has been a teacher at Middletown South. He has also earned a graduate degree in Geosciences from MSU, has participated in NOAA Teacher at Sea, and is a Fulbright awardee. He is also a husband and father and an avid offshore saltwater fisherman and all around lover of nature.