Nourish Noshes

Ingredient Lists



Sometimes ingredient lists have words we can't pronounce or understand. But what are these ingredients? Are they safe? How are we supposed to know? In this podcast, we'll explain what some of those ingredients mean and whether or not to put that package down! Transcribed Podcast, Ingredient Lists Edited for clarity. Wendy: We’re so glad you joined us on the podcast today we're going to be talking about icky stuff in our foods. Debbie: That’s a good way to put it. Yeah, food additives and stuff that’s in packaged and processed foods that we all eat. Wendy: There are so many things in packaged foods, so we’re going to start out with a lesson, right? The take-home message is that we need to look at ingredients labels. Debbie: Right. If you're going to eat packaged and processed foods, which we all do. It’s practical and it’s realistic. But please, before your buy it, take it off the shelf look at the ingredient list. That’s a habit. And it’s one that you can get used to doing. I didn’t used to do it but now