Nourish Noshes

Sweet Cravings Part 1



We all love sugar. Six years ago, we published this series on sugar cravings. We wanted to revisit this podcast because it's still very relevant and has great information on why we crave sugar and how to better deal with cravings so that they don't rule our lives. Transcript of the Nourish Noshes Podcast Sweet Cravings Part 1 Edited for clarity. Wendy: 0:00 Sugar is just so powerful. We're so excited to rerelease these three parts. Debbie: 0:06 We want to revisit these podcasts because they are so relevant even today, even though we recorded them six years ago. Wendy: 0:15 Yeah, there are some really juicy gems in here that when we listen to them again, Oh, right, even we forget we wait, the recording of these. And there are some things that I had forgotten about--our endocrine system and sleep.  Debbie: 0:35 And the funny thing to me is that when I went back to listen to it to see if it was any good because again, it's six years old. I was like, oh, I don't know if it's worth it. We might have to edit