Nourish Noshes

Should You Fear Fat?



There's a lot of ambivalence about eating fat. For generations, doctors and other practitioners demonized fat for causing all kinds of health problems. We want to shine some light on how fat is not only good for us, but absolutely necessary. And, as we always say, it's not just about this one particular nutrient--we need to look at the person eating it as a whole. Listen to our take on fat. Transcript of Should You Fear Fat podcast Edited for clarity Wendy  00:02 We're so glad you're here with us today. We're going on a journey to talk about fat. So, for over 35 years, our health system and our government declared all fat as bad and to remove it from our daily lives, and they all went a little crazy. Literally. No more brain fuel, right? It's fat for the brain, cognitive health, all the absorption of vitamins and minerals and longevity and joint health. Debbie  00:30 Yeah, we need that! Wendy  00:33 We're fat phobic!  So, let's get past that. That's like, we've outgrown that. Debbie  00:39 Yeah, we've