Nourish Noshes

Seasonal Eating



Our ancestors didn't have the choice to eat foods out of season, for the most part. However, today, we can find berries in our food markets in the dead of winter. Our bodies, though, know when it's summer or winter and we do best when we are in sync with the seasonal foods that we evolved eating. They can warm us, cool us down, give us energy, help our immune systems, and so on. If we feed our bodies in this way, we can live our healthiest lives. Transcript of Seasonal Eating podcast Edited for clarity Debbie  00:01 One of our many mantras is to eat seasonally. And the reason for that is many, but seasonal food generally is fresher, tastier and more nutritious than food consumed out of season. And in this podcast, we're going to discuss all the seasons and the reasons why it's best to eat food that's harvested locally. And seasonally. I'm Debbie. Wendy  00:27 I'm Wendy. Debbie  00:28 And let's talk about seasonal eating. Wendy  00:30 Let's talk about fall and winter. It's upon us and everything's chang