Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur

Eating the Frog and Reducing Stress



Eating the Frog is a term that may be new to you.  Simply put, this is the idea of getting the things done that you want to do the least.  It is a popular way to improve productivity and get things done.  However, it is also a practice that can help with reducing stress and increasing happiness.  In this episode, we look at how doing what you dislike is a key to happiness. Removing Obstacles is Key To Reducing Stress Depression and lack of productivity go hand in hand.  Likewise, productivity and happiness are often related.  These are all complicated concepts, so the cause and effect of them are also a little muddy.  We can improve productivity through a lot of methods.  One of the best is reducing our "dead time" and getting a quick start.  The dread and included foot-dragging we do with undesirable tasks are a few of many contributors to the productivity reducers.  Thus, we sometimes are the most significant obstacle to our ability to get things done. Worry Equals Stress We worry about the things we have o