Center Point Assembly

Revelation 20 - Part 4 - The Great White Throne Judgment - Audio



Sunday, October 16, 2022 – In today’s message, we are finishing up Revelation 20 as we discuss the “Great White Throne Judgment.” I can’t stress enough the importance of studying prophecy, not from a “fortune teller” perspective but rather from a perspective of “what can I do today to prepare me” for what God has in store. For those judged in this "White Throne Judgment," the final judgment of the wicked, there will be great regret that they didn’t choose to accept Christ and live for Him while they had the chance. We can't even begin to comprehend the utter hopelessness felt at that time. That’s why we’re spending the time to go into detail on the book of “Revelation.” It is a true Revelation of Jesus Christ and His character. Everything God does is for the redemption of mankind, including going into detail on His righteous judgment on sin. From this perspective, this is truly a message of love as we are