My Business On Purpose

609: How To Expand Into New Markets



Amidst the chaos of a recession, there are many who see opportunity and possibility tucked away in a larger population that submits blindly to doom and gloom. We have always had a few business owners in the past with a desire to expand into new markets, and yet the drumbeat of expansion is ironically higher now in a tough, recession-bent market. These are trade contractors who are realizing that the purpose, people, process, and profit they have built has positioned their business in a place of strength while other like-businesses are suffering under the weight of volatile cash flow.  Growing markets need to have the same care and attention as growing new agricultural fields.  When left to grow without curation, a business can look like a garden that has grown past its boundaries. Our town right now is a bazaar example of this.  Its population has grown at race car speeds and yet the town services divisions are struggling to keep up.  Much of our physical landscape was designed to be beautiful and boundaries.