Progressive Spirit

The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: Hugh Turley Investigates His Death 50 Years Later



Heart failure, accident, or murder? John Shuck interviews Hugh Turley about the mysterious death of Thomas Merton.December 10th 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of his death. Is it now time for the truth?Investigative Reporter, Hugh Turley, makes the case that the conclusion that Thomas Merton died by accident cannot possibly be true. Hugh Turley and David Martin are co-authors of the 2018 book, The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton, An Investigation.John Shuck speaks live with Hugh Turley on Beloved Community about the death of Thomas Merton, who was an anti-war author and spiritual leader. He died mysteriously on December 10th, 1968 in Thailand.“Merton was in apparent good health and at the height of his productive powers when he died suddenly and mysteriously while attending a monastic conference, on December 10th, 1968, near Bangkok, Thailand. He was 53 years old. Up to now, no one has examined the circumstances of his death systematically, critically, and what is most important honestly. That is our purpose here